  • 學位論文


Evolving “Farmlands” in Global Perspectives, or: How the Changing Concept of “Farmlands” Influenced Postwar Taiwanese Rural Land Laws

指導教授 : 陳韻如


本文考察戰後至2000年代前期的台灣農地法律變遷,試圖回答:什麼樣的政治意識形態與農業經濟思想,造成了台灣農地法變革?台灣農地法與國內外政治、農業經濟知識之間的互動關係為何?台灣農地法律史在全球法律史的中的定位為何? 本文從「法律全球化」的角度切入世界脈絡下的台灣農地法變遷,認為可以依據台灣農地法傾向與對於「農地」概念的差異,將臺灣農地法變遷分成三個時期。1940年代末期至1960年代末期,台灣農地法原本為移植自民國中國的法律,移植過程受到美國的影響,成為以耕者有其田政策以及「民主的家庭農場」為特色之農地法,爾後又因為冷戰架構意外成為農地改革法的輸出國。1970年代初期至1980年代末期,台灣農地法因為農業經濟知識變動的影響,朝向大規模農場的方向改革,卻面臨與繼承法律精神、耕者有其田政策衝突的挑戰。1990年代初期至2000年代初期,台灣受到加入WTO以及經濟全球化所帶來的新自由主義影響,對農地法進行去管制與再管制,同時由於國內政治結構的變動,在立法的過程中多了許多民意政治的元素。 本文結論認為在這三個時期的農地法變化中,可以觀察出台灣農地法、政治意識形態與農業經濟知識多方互動、互構之辯證關係。政治意識形態、農業經濟知識的變動會影響法律,反之法律精神與思維模式也可能被反過來用以規制政治意識形態或農業經濟知識。在這之中,行動者會將依附著法律的語言(langue)與言說(parole)用以為自己的政治經濟立場辯護,再進一步製造出合其利益的法律。 本文認為從「複數法域藉由法律行動者跨國互動、達到法規範擴散」的法律全球化研究蹊徑,有助於台灣法律史的研究比較法律史的方向邁進,將位於世界邊陲的台灣法律史敘事,重新拼回世界法律史的版圖中。


This thesis looks into the development of Postwar Taiwan Rural Land Law til the early 2000s. And tries to answer the following research questions: What kind of political ideology and agriculture economics caused the changes in Taiwan Rural Land Law? What are the interactive relationships between domestic/foreign politics, agricultural economics, and Taiwan Rural Land Law? What is the position of the legal history of Taiwan Rural Land Law in Global Legal History? From the view point of “globalization of law”, this thesis looks into the development of Taiwan Rural Land Law under global contexts. Based on the differences of trends and the concepts of “farmland”, this thesis divides the development of Taiwan Rural Land Law into three periods. In the late 1940s to the late 1960s, Taiwan Rural Land Law was originated in mainland China, transplanted under the influence of the U.S.. With a mix characteristic of “Land-to-the-Tiler” policy and “democratic family farms”, Taiwan attempts to export its Land Reform Laws under the Cold War structure. In the early 1970s to the late 1980s, due to paradigm changes in agricultural economics, Taiwan Rural Land Law underwent a major turn towards promoting large-scale farmlands, whilst faced with the challenges posed by the “Land-to-the-tiler” policy and succession law sector. In the early 1990s to the early 2000s, under the neoliberal influence of joining WTO and economic globalization, and with the backdrop of domestic political structural changes, Taiwan Rural Land Law went process of de-regulations and re-regulations. In conclusion, this thesis thinks that during these three periods, we can observe an interactive, mutual-constructive relationship between Taiwan Rural Land Law, political ideology, and agricultural economic knowledge. Changes in political ideology and agricultural economics may influence law, in turns the later may pose constraint on the previous as well. In this process the actors may expropriate the language (langue) and speech (parole) of law in order to defend their political and economic stances, and furthermore, creating laws for their benefit. This thesis believes that from the point of view of globalization of law, we can advance the scope of Taiwanese Legal History into the direction of comparative legal history. By doing so, we can place the peripheral narratives of Taiwanese Legal History back into the atlas of Global Legal History.


