  • 學位論文

資訊系統建構策略之研究 - 以A醫療公司亞太地區資訊系統建構爲例

This study is to discuss how to establish information technology Strategy: A case study on a Multi-national Medical Device company in Asia Pacific

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


面對二十一世紀的全球性競爭, 全球整體經濟環境變動快速,企業需要善加利用所擁有的客戶、供應商及合作夥伴的資訊,方能創造跨國性的、區域性的觀點和策略。而且唯有公司上下每一個人眼中看到的公司是一致的,並瞭解其個人在組織架構和營運中所扮演的角色,這樣才是真正的跨國性企業。因此,一旦資訊系統策略能將資訊整合,並利用知識來與客戶、供應商及合作夥伴建立更好的關係,企業價值必然隨之提高。 本研究有以下三個主要目的: 1. 瞭解醫療器材産業之現狀 2. 嘗試建構跨國性企業之資訊策略的方法 3. 探討資訊系統整合對企業之影響 本研究所採用之研究架構為參照 Hill and Jones(2004) 和 Porter(1981) 對策略管理過程的論述,採用對內、外在環境之分析,結合SWOT之分析方法,得出個案公司之資訊策略為資訊系統整合,分為集中式應用系統及資訊組織策略兩方面。 本研究之主要結論為,基本上確認了集中的應用系統與資訊組織策略對公司短期的業務發展創造了很大的競爭優勢。我們建構組織的目標之一,就是利用自身資訊資産來獲得最大的利益,要盡量消除分裂,並創造最大成效的機會。但是,在目前醫療産業是一個成長迅速的産業,特別是在亞太地區的發展中國家,例如中國和印度。為進一步因應對資訊管理需求增長的現實情況,需要對資訊系統的靈活度做進一步的提升。採用更加靈活多變的方式來滿足消費者的需求、提高用戶的滿意度,增大客戶群、降低溝通管理成本。


Owing to 21st global keen competition and rapid changing economic environment, company is required to have multi-national and regional horizons and strategies by making use of information from customers, distributors and business partners. A multi-national company must ensure that all the employees clearly know company’s objectives and their roles. Having established information-sharing platform among customers, distributors and business partners through information system, leading to build up close relationship, the company value can be increased. The purposes of this research are: 1. To understand current situation of Medical Device industry. 2. Try to construct a model and relationship to address the information strategy. 3. Examine and map information resources integration to the business impact. This research develops a model for multi-national medical equipment company, which is based on Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones; and Michael Porter’s business strategic models that cover internal and external environment analysis and SWOT analysis. By using this industry specific model, we designed that the Information strategy focus on system integration, which includes One IM Team and One Regional Model strategies for the case company. After a lot of analysis and studies, we have come to the conclusions that One IM Team and One Regional Model strategies create much competitive advantages for company in a short run. We recommend that company must make use of information in order to gain huge factor values; get rid of various barriers; and turn opportunities into wins. Due to business need for information and fast changing healthcare industry, especially in developed countries like China and India, it is vital to make current information system more effective; fulfill and satisfy customer needs; reach new customers and reduce the communication cost.


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