  • 學位論文


Development of non-point source modeling-application to Shi-Men reservoir

指導教授 : 郭振泰


石門水庫為台灣地區第三大水庫,於民國45年7月開始興建,至民國53年竣工;水庫具有灌溉、發電、防洪、給水、觀光等多目標功能。水庫集水區地處淡水河上游之大漢溪流域,總集水面積約為763.4平方公里,有效容量2億3,380萬立方公尺。 本文採用美國環保署發展的BASINS模式中之非點源污染模式NPSM進行集水區非點源污染及傳輸量模擬。首先模擬民國91年之水文,以92、93年資料檢定,並以相同參數驗證91、92、93年流量,證實模擬結果良好,確認其可靠性及適用性,再將暴雨採樣資料及年淤積量檢定驗證泥沙濃度,並以暴雨水質資料模擬水質狀態後,推估全年集水區污染物產量做為提供集水區治理規劃之參考。 結果顯示,NPSM模式能有效模擬長時間的集水區水理水質傳輸變化。石門水庫集水區全年污染負荷量,民國91年總磷負荷量為42,194.64 kg/yr,民國92年為35,450.68 kg/yr,民國92年為33,377.98 kg/yr;民國91年年平均濃度為0.0295mg/L,民國92年年平均濃度為0.0298mg/L,民國93年為0.0290mg/L。TP輸出係數民國91年為0.553 kg/ha-yr,民國92年為0.464 kg/ha-yr,民國93年為0.437 kg/ha-yr。總氮之非點源污染負荷量民國91年約為691,990kg/yr,民國92年約為308,970kg/yr,民國93年約為1,674875kg/yr。單位負荷量民國91年約為9.16 kg/ha-yr,民國92年約為4.09 kg/ha-yr,民國93年約為22.17kg/ha-yr。


Shi-Men Reservoir was located in the Tauyuan, the branch of Da-han River. Its drainage area is 763.4 square kilometer, and its effective capacity is 233,800,000 cubic meters. Compared with the changing trend of 2002 ,2003 and 2004 by the sampling of water quality. NPSM, one of BASINS model developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), is adopted in the study to simulate the transferred quantity of the river and non-point source of the drainage area. The discharge was calibrated with the data in 2002, and verified with the data in 2002 and 2003, for confirming the model can be used in this study. The result shows that NPSM can efficiently simulate the change of the chronic water quality in drainage area. Annual non-point loading of total nitrogen was about 891,915kg/yr, total phosphorus was about 37,007kg/yr. The total nitrogen per hectare was about 11.81kg/ha/yr, and the total phosphorus per hectare was about 0.485 kg/ha/yr.


BASINS NPSM GIS Vollenweider non-point sources


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