  • 學位論文


The “entity view of effort“ as a predictor to depression among Chinese adolescents

指導教授 : 雷庚玲


近年以台灣學生為樣本的研究發現,華人學生的學習動機模式明顯和西方理論不同。Lay與Tsai(2005)更進一步提出「努力本質觀」的概念,以預測華人青少年的學習行為與歸因。本研究的五個實驗即為探討努力本質觀對華人青少年不適應的學習行為及憂鬱情緒之預測力。實驗一以149名台大學生為樣本,發現在排除了西方學習動機理論中之內隱理論、成就目標等變項後,努力本質觀仍能顯著預測台大學生之自我設限及拖延閒混等不適應的學習行為。實驗二以105名台大學生為樣本,加入憂鬱測量工具CES-D為依變項,發現在排除西方成就動機變項後,努力本質觀仍能顯著預測受試者之拖延閒混以及憂鬱傾向。實驗三為了避免樣本偏差,因此以台大學生94名及一所台北近郊私立大學學生140名為樣本,以階層廻歸分析先控制智力內隱理論後,發現努力本質觀對憂鬱分數的正向預測力仍達顯著。為確立努力本質與憂鬱之序列關係,實驗四以跨期中考前後兩階段之前瞻性研究探討113名台大學生之考前努力本質分數對考後憂鬱分數之預測力。結果發現努力本質觀與憂鬱分數相關之方向性較有可能來自於努力本質觀對憂鬱的影響。另外,共變數分析的結果發現高努力本質觀與低努力本質觀者在失敗前後憂鬱分數的改變趨向有顯著差異。實驗五以國中生127名、明星學校高中生155人、一般高中生142名為樣本,再次進行跨兩階段之前瞻性研究。只有明星高中組二因子共變數分析之交互作用顯著,與實驗四之結果相符。由以上一系列研究結果可見,持高努力本質觀之華人大學生不但較容易產生不適應的學習行為,也較會產生憂鬱情緒。而且,在遭受學業挫折後,努力本質觀有引發憂鬱的傾向。由於本研究僅發現大學生及明星高中的學生有此傾向,努力本質觀是否為針對功課好的華人學生之憂鬱危險因子,是未來研究值得探討的問題。 關鍵詞:成就目標、學習動機、智力本質觀、努力本質觀、自我設限、憂鬱。


The entity view of effort is referred to the concept that the utmost effort of each individual can make is unchangeable. The individual differences of entity view of effort are most likely to manifest in achievement motivation toward challenging events. Lay and Tsai (2005) indicated that, after controlling for the entity view of intelligence (Dweck & Leggett, 1988) and achievement goal orientation, entity view of effort still posts a unique contribution to post-failure attribution, self-handicapping and procrastination behaviors of middle school students in Taiwan. The goal of the present research is to demonstrate that the entity view of effort is a maladaptive belief that is related not only to maladjusted learning behaviors but also to depressive emotions among Chinese adolescents. In addition, cross-lagged panel design is applied to test if the entity view of effort is an antecedent variable of depression. A total of 348 students from the National Taiwan University and 140 students from a private university near Taipei participated in Study 1, 2, and 3. Hierarchical regression analyses repetitively revealed a unique contribution of the entity view of effort to self-handicapping and procrastination behaviors as well as depression after controlling for the contribution of the entity view of intelligence in college students. Study 4 applied a two-stage prospective design. A total of 113 college students completed the entity view of effort questionnaire and the depression subscale of SCL90-R both before and after a midterm examination. The Pearson-Filon statistic in the cross-lagged panel design indicated that the entity view of effort is a marginally significant predictor of depressive emotion upon facing a challenging event. To partial out a confounding variable that those having succeeded and failed in the midterm examination may consequently have different level of depressive mood, a 2 (high vs. low entity view of effort) x 2 (pretest vs. posttest) ANCOVA with school performance as the covariate was performed specifically to all the subjects who had failed on the midterm examination. The interaction effect was found significant. The level of depression increased after the challenging event for students with high effort-entity view but decreased for those with low effort-entity view. Study 5 replicated the procedure of Study 4 just that subjects were middle school students. The three groups of subjects in Study 5 included the 8th Grade group (n=127), the 11th Grade A group (n=155), and the 11th Grade B group (n=142). Students in the 11th Grade A group are academically more advanced than those in the B group according to a nation-wide high school entrance examination. No significant predicting power of the effort-entity view to depression was found in either the 8th Grade group or the 11th Grade B group. However, similar to the results of Study 4, the same pattern of significant interaction effect of ANCOVA was found in the 11th Grade A group. Combining the results of Study 4 and 5, it seems that depressive mood after failure is predictable from the degree of effort-entity view only for students with high academic performance. In other words, this finding may imply that the entity view of effort is a risk factor to high performers upon confronting challenging events.


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