  • 學位論文


Investigating the Cognitive Differences between Managers and Subordinates on Overtime Worker

指導教授 : 戚樹誠


本研究主要探討之主題為從員工知覺的角度探討台灣工時過長現象的成因,工作中的加班不可避免,而加班的目的本為用更多的時間完成需要完成的工作,而在台灣社會之中,加班的目的不只是為了完成工作,還可能考慮到主管與同事觀感,因此本研究將探討人們對超時工作者的看法、主管和部屬對於超時工作者的認知差異,與部屬對超時工作者的認知是否造成加班行為的產生,研究者以月暈效應及認知偏誤來解釋此一現象。 本研究分為探索研究、正式研究(第一階段)與正式研究(第二階段),探索研究利用文獻探討、質性研究法與查詢網路資料,歸納出人們的超時工作者看法;正式研究(第一階段),採用問卷調查法,將問卷發放給台灣大學EMBA 學生,用以建立超時工作者性格特質量表;正式研究(第二階段),採用問卷調查法,探討人們對超時工作者性格特質的認知偏誤之可能影響。 研究結果顯示,受試者對於超時工作者性格特質的看法,可以分為兩個面向:「努力認真度」與「思考靈活度」,主管認為超時工作者的努力認真度較準時下班者高,員工則認為兩者無顯著差異,且員工在推測主管看法與主管真實看法無顯著差異;員工推測主管對超時工作者努力認真度的認知,可以預測其自身加班行為。


月暈效應 台灣 努力 超時工作 性格特質


The theme of this study is to investigate, from the perspective of employee perceptions, the possible causes of pervasive overtime in Taiwan. Overtime at work is inevitable, if the reason being that a worker has something necessary to finish. However, in Taiwan, the purpose of having overtime is not only for the sake of finishing jobs but to accommodate the views from colleagues and supervisors. Therefore, this study will examine people’s views on overtime workers, the perceptual; differences between supervisors and subordinates, and whether subordinates’ perceptions of an overtime worker influence their own overtime behavior. The researcher uses halo effect and perceptual biases to explain this phenomenon. The study is composed of three parts: exploratory study, formal study (Phase I) and formal study (Phase II). Exploratory study includes literature research, qualitative study and examining information from the internet to derive people's general views on overtime work; Formal study (phase I) includes a survey questionnaire. The data is collected from an EMBA class in National Taiwan University. Formal study (phase II), includes another survey questionnaire to investigate whether the possible effects of perceptual biases of overtime workers. The results showed two dimensions of perceptions of the personality traits of overtime workers:"the tendency of working hard" and "the degree of flexible thinking". Managers believed that overtime workers have higher tendency of working hard than do normal worker, but subordinates believed that there is no difference between the two. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between what managers believed (of the personality traits of overtime workers) and what subordinates thought that their supervisors believe. And the tendency of working hard that subordinates thought their supervisors believe predicted subordinates’ own overtime behavior.


halo effect Taiwan working hard overime personality trait


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