  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the National Park Policy in Taiwan, 1949-2006

指導教授 : 蕭全政


台灣地區國家公園政策係自日據後期開始醞釀發展,1972年政府公布國家公園法,並於1982年公告設立第一處國家公園一墾丁國家公園。其後陸續設立陽明山、玉山、太魯閣、雪霸、金門及東沙環礁等7個國家公園,以保護國家公園範圍內特有自然風景、野生物及史蹟,並提供國民育樂及研究使用為目標。7個國家公園的陸域面積約為30萬餘公頃,占台灣全島面積8.5%。 然而,隨著1990年代後台灣政經環境逐漸轉型變遷,民間社會多元力量蓬勃發展。各地原住民不斷的以陳情、示威、抗議的方式,不僅對蘭嶼、能丹及馬告等所有位於山地的國家公園設立行動,均強烈反對;對於已實施20餘年的國家公園制度,也不斷高度質疑,表達不滿並提出修法的要求,導致國家公園雖係合法成立,卻逐步喪失其「正當性」。國家機關因此陷入政策難以推動的困境,並隨台灣的政治對立難解,相關改革停滯而益形困頓,舉步維艱。 因此,本研究以「政府遷台前後的醞釀觀望」(1949-1972)、「退出聯合國後的積極推動」(1972-1992)及「終止戡亂後的困頓徬徨」(1992-2006)等三個階段為縱向之歷史脈絡,再輔以「動盪時期」、「轉型時期」及「民主化與全球化時期」的政經結構特性,觀察「國家機關、民間社會」與「政治、經濟」及「環境資源保護」的交錯互動下,分析台灣國家公園政策發展過程,各階段的推進動力及所隱含的政經特性。並歸納當前國家公園政策所面臨相關行為者新一波的偏差動員壓力,而逐步喪失「正當性」之原因,及提出如何進行現階段制度重整,甚至重構的研究建議。


The national park policies in Taiwan were incubated in the later stage during the Japanese-Occupied Period. In the wake of National Park Act to be promulgated in 1972, Kenting National Park, the first national park in Taiwan, was set up in 1982, following subsequently by the establishment of the other seven national parks, including Yangmingshan, Yushan, Taroko, Shei-Pa, Kinmen and Dongsha Marine, in a move to protect the natural landscapes, wild life and historic relics existed specifically in the parks as well as to offer nationals the recreational and research opportunities. Altogether more than 300,000 hectares of area, the seven parks cover 8.5% of this country’s territory. The gradual transformation and changes of political and economic environment after 1990 in Taiwan, however, have boosted the burgeoning development for the diversified forces of civil society. In the wake of the indigenous people’s incessant actions to vehemently state and plead, demonstrate and protest against the launch of Lanyu National Park, Neng Dan National Park and Maqaw National Park by government, they have cast doubts over the national park systems which have been implemented for more than two decades by expressing their discontents and further proposed the demand for legal amendment, thus resulting in the gradual deprivation of the “legitimacy” despite the legal establishment of the national park. In view of such condition, the state organs have been falling to the predicament to promote the policies. Along with the severe confrontation among political parties pending on solution in Taiwan, it poses straitened circumstances and hard step for relative reforms. Taking “the incubation phase before and after the evacuation of KMT government to Taiwan” (1949-1972), “the active promotion phase after Taiwan’s exit from the UN” (1972-1992) and “the straitened and indecisive phase after the termination of the Period of Communist Rebellion” (1992-2006) as the vertically historical context along being supplemented with the characteristics of political and economic structures under “the period of upheaval,” “the period of transformation” and “the period of democratization and globalization,” this research attempts to analyze the developmental course for national park policies, the driving forces in each phase and the implied political and economic characteristics under an observation of the interactions of “state organs and civil society,” “political and economic situation” and “protection of environmental resource.” This study would go on generalizing the pressures by the relative agent’s new wave of biased mobilization faced by current national park policies that consequently gives rise to the causes of gradual deprivation of the “legitimacy” and would thus further set forth the measures of how to reorganize the system currently and even propose the research suggestion for refactoring.




任芝菁(2015)。臺灣災害防救體系變遷之政經分析,1949 ~ 2014〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.10450
