  • 學位論文


Development of a System Platform for Manufacturing Flexible Electronic Components and Circuits

指導教授 : 吳文中


本論文中使用光機電整合方式,將機器視覺、液壓氣壓管路設計、程式控制及訊號處理,驅動噴墨頭、工作走臺、電腦視覺觀測設備等設備,成功建置一套用來製作軟性電子元件及電路的噴墨系統。 利用噴墨系統製作之電子元件及電路的照片顯示噴墨系統的製程穩定性及噴印精確度;經搭配環境控制、材料摻雜處理、加溫回火和表面處理等材料改質方法以及創新封裝方式,提出一套適合作為製作軟性電子元件及電路的製程平台,並且在大氣環境下製作量測主動層材料為P3HT之有機薄膜電晶體元件,其元件性能足以與國際研究團隊成果批敵(電流開關比為104,電子漂移率為10-1 );此外,利用本製程平台同時成功利用常見銀鏡反應原理,製作圖形化的無電電鍍薄膜,作為電子元件之間的接合導線,這些成果皆證明本論文研製之噴墨製程平台具有成為未來軟性電子產業之生產平台的雛形及製作流程。


In this thesis, a processing platform based on inkjet printing technology was developed to facilitate the possibility of producing flexbile electronic devices. in academia and industry of Taiwan. To serve as a prototyupe for the complete in-line manufacturing system and fabricating procedures, this processing platform integrates optomechatronic systems include machine vision, liquid/gas pressure control, flexible programming environment, inkjet printing heads, ink preparation, moving platform, and thermal processing equipments, etc. The success in fabricating electronic components and circuits such as resistor, capacitors, thin film transistors, and inverters by producing printed pattern of different functional layers with different materials on flexible substrates proved the potential of using this newly developed inkjet printing system to serve as a manufacturing system. The silver mirror process was developed to create the electric connection between components, which led to very high conductivity electric connections in the circuit created. The improvement in on/off ratio and mobility of flexible thin film transistor with all organic materials and polymeric semiconductor P3HT were attribed to better humidity control, well controlled air particles, and a novel packaging process developed. The final data obtained verified the internationally competitive performance including 104 on/off ratio and 10-1 mobility of printed P3HT OTFT measured at the ambient environments.


Flexible Electronics Plastic Electronics OTFT inkjet


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李長鴻(2014)。整合噴墨技術與 CMOS 系統晶片〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00904
