  • 學位論文


The Trade-Off of Optimal Fallow Area and Capacity Expansion of Pond in Pond Supply System

指導教授 : 徐年盛


台灣地區原本降雨時空已分配不均,近來因極端氣候的機率提高,缺水情形頻傳,但興建水庫不易,因此,若能適當擴增原有蓄供水設施,應可有效減少部分窘境。 桃園地區之埤塘構成一蓄水與灌溉兼具之系統,以往前人做的研究往往是針對一個個埤塘,或串聯一系列分區做開挖動作,評估何者帶來最佳水資源調配,不僅工程龐大,精力和時間更耗費不少;本研究將藉由線性規劃,迅速的判斷埤塘應擴增哪一口對系統會有立即見效的效果,其擴增大小也會伴隨擴增該口同時求出,不需額外做水資源調配的研判,不僅有效的減少決策者的煩惱,也可節省許多時間。 本研究能提供給私人或政策利益上為指標時作為使用,如:經由模式決定的輪區休耕面積,便可考慮移做其他用途,則不僅農業不會缺水,還能有做其他發展,使生活和效益有更好的發揮。 本研究採用線性規劃法進行埤塘供水系統最佳效益水源調配工作,在目標式中考量到埤塘擴充成本,及運轉水所帶來的效益,限制式條件包括埤塘蓄水之連續方程式、埤塘蓄水容量之限制、各節點之水平衡方程式等,其中各條件皆考量了休耕因素;而埤塘供水系統將在這些條件與因素下做一灌區休耕面積與埤塘擴充之間的取捨,使系統獲得最佳效益。 本研究套用於石門淨水場及其鄰近區域,根據研究結果,現階段暫不需要擴充埤塘,藉由休耕來減少缺水所帶來的影響會是較佳的評估;但是若有缺水情形現象,則隨著缺水天數增加,需要擴充埤塘來應付,研究中多口埤塘,模式建議優先擴充社子1號池,相較其他埤塘更能立刻舒緩缺水情形。


In Taiwan, the distribution of rainfall is uneven. Recently, the probability of the extreme weather is higher than before. The phenomena of water shortage are happening with increasing frequency. But it is hard to build a new reservoir. We had better enlarge the original facilities of water supply system to improve this situation if the environment is allowed. There is a special water supply system which is consists of many ponds in Taoyuan. This special water supply system not only provides irrigation but can storage the water. In the past studies, most people focus on each pond or each series of ponds dredging a certain level to find which causes the water quantity operation the most. To dredge the pond needs a lot of energy and waste time. Right now, decision-maker can save time and energy through this model. Best of all, decision-maker can already find which is emergent pond in the system and how much the ponds need to be dug before digging every pond. This model will be good at decreasing the decision-maker’s besetment. This study is useful when someone aims at benefit. They can judge how to let fallow area more useful that not only no agriculture water shortage but also can transfer land into different way to help life better. The advantage of research is this model can judge immediately which pond should be expanded and how much capacity needs. This study adopts linear programming. The linear programming is needed to set the objective function and constrains. The objective function consists of the cost of expansion pond and the benefit coming from operation water quantity. The constraints include the continuity function 、the limit of storage capacity and water balance equation, etc. The factor of fallow rate is included in these functions. Then we can get the trade-off optimal fallow area and capacity expansion of pond in pond supply system. The study area is Shihmen water treatment plant and its nearby area. According to the result of model, the present situation doesn’t need to expand the pond. Increasing fallow rate will get optimal operation. However, if water shortage is getting serious, the system needs to expand the pond to solve the problem. The model shows that the most emergent pond should be She-Zi No.1 pond.


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