  • 學位論文


The Study on Optimal Decision for Area and Location of Fallow with Consideration to Environmental, Ecological and Productive Functions in the Drought Period

指導教授 : 徐年盛




優選模式 水田三生 休耕


In this study, the optimal decisions for agricultural benefits, area and location of fallow with consideration to environmental, ecological and productive functions in the drought period are obtained and estimated by the optimal drought model in the scenarios of different exceed probability of river discharge. The characteristics of water usage in the study area are analyzed and the appropriate probability distributions of river discharge to Ji-Ji weir are obtained for generating river discharge of each time step to calculate and assess the results of water supply in different drought situations when river discharges are generated with some exceed probabilities (50% to 90%). The optimal fellow model is constructed on the base of water transportation loss and consideration to environmental, ecological and productive functions, and the analytical result shows in the study area the total benefits are 54 billion dollars. In the total benefits, the benefits of environmental and ecological functions occupy 90% and the benefit of productive function occupies 10%, and the total benefits decrease as the exceed probability of river discharge increases.


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