  • 學位論文


Development of Sustainable Remediation Decision-support System

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


在世界各國追求工業發展的同時,受污染的土地數量隨之增高,整治污染場址成為重要課題。傳統的污染處理技術以快速去除污染物為目標,多為高耗能工法,其雖能達到保護環境及人體健康的目的,但於整治過程中的能資源耗用卻對環境、經濟及社會產生了衝擊,因此本研究制定一套考量永續性的整治評估流程。 為建構此流程需了解一般整治流程的架構及其在永續方面不足之處,美國的整治流程考量了整治行為的效率、成本及大眾接受度,並要求污染物濃度需確實降低,但未以生命週期的角度思考整治過程的能資源耗用造成的永續衝擊;台灣則將整治標準分為監測標準與管制標準雙門檻制度,並依污染程度不同區分為整治場址與控制場址,需採取相對應的措施,其也注重污染物濃度的控制,但對於整治行為的永續衝擊仍相當欠缺。因此本研究欲針對上述不足之處進行改善,回顧了考量永續思維的整治相關研究: 褐地計畫、綠色整治及永續整治,發現國際上尚無將永續性完整考量的整治流程,但各研究單位提出了許多永續核心元素及永續整治架構,無論概念、框架或工具都值得做為建立永續整治評估流程之參考。 本研究在永續整治評估流程建構上以美國整治流程為基礎,納入各研究的優點以強化永續性思考,並建立設計整治方案的方法,再將設計的數種整治方案透過本研究以程式語言建立的模式評估其永續性衝擊,協助挑選最具永續性的整治方案。此流程相較於一般整治流程不同之處在於其考量了土地未來的不同利用方式制定不同的整治目標,並於場址調查階段給予永續性的建議以規劃採樣行為造成的衝擊,另外也提供了設計整治方案的方法,其中可分為整治技術選擇以及程序設計兩部分,並有評估其環境、經濟與社會衝擊的決策支援系統,在能保護人體健康的前提下挑選最具永續性的方案。最後,本研究利用一案例驗證此流程的可行性及結構完整性,也做為未來使用此流程的參考之用。


Soil and groundwater remediation has become an important issue as site contamination emerges increasingly. Traditional treatment aims at reducing the concentration of the pollutants on site so as to achieve the regulatory standards related to environmental and health protection. However, the remediation processes have enormous environmental, economic, and social impacts due to consuming large amounts of resources and energy, which is regarded as not sustainable. Hence, this study attempts to establish a sustainable remediation process to complement the traditional approach. In order to identify the shortcomings of the general remediation process, this research reviews Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency remediation processes. Both countries take human health into account, but they do not use life cycle thinking in the remediation process. On the other hand, the studies related to brownfield, green remediation and sustainable remediation, though combining the remediation with the sustainable thinking, contain incomplete sustainable remediation process. Even though there is no integrated procedure, many international research institutions have proposed some core sustainable concepts, frameworks and tools, which are worth being taken as references. This study is based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cleanup Process, and adopts advantages of other studies. By establishing method of designing remediation programs and assessing its impact on environment, economy and society, user can choose optimal sustainable remediation schemes. There are three distinctive features of this study. First, it develops different remediation goals according to different future land uses. Second, it provides a method of designing remediation program, including two parts: selection of remediation technologies select and procedural design. Third, it establishes a decision-support System for assessing impact of remediation programs. In the last part of this research, a case study is used to verify the proposed sustainable remediation process.


Bardos, P. (2011). Applying Sustainable Development Principles to Contaminated Land Management Using the SuRF-UK Framework.
