  • 學位論文

紅龍果之仙人掌盾介殼蟲 (半翅目:盾介殼蟲科) 綜合防治

Integrated Control of the Cactus Scale, Diaspis echinocacti (Bouché) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in Pitaya

指導教授 : 柯俊成
共同指導教授 : 朱國瑞(Kwo-Ray Chu)


臺灣地區紅龍果近年來栽培面積大增,2014 年種植面積到達 1,676 公頃,產量 38,965 公噸,但也因為栽培面積擴大、栽培方法單一、集約種植、溫網室栽培及氣候變遷快速等,發生病蟲害種類逐年增加。近年來發現在臺灣紅龍果園間及溫室開始遭受仙人掌盾介殼蟲 (Diaspis echinocacti (Bouché)) 的危害,仙人掌盾介殼蟲屬於全球分布危害仙人掌科植物的重要半翅目昆蟲,因為生活史短、繁殖快速及個體微小,發現時常已經造成植株衰弱及與病害共同感染,致產生嚴重損失。本研究係探討物理防治、化學防治(包含殺蟲劑及有機資材)、及抗蟲品種(系)等綜合防治法對本蟲之抑制情形以運用於紅龍果之管理。物理防治以高頻微波加熱處理紅龍果苗表面上的危害蟲體,10秒內上升到 65℃ 可以達到 100% 的卵致死率。化學藥劑試驗防治本蟲效果由防治率高到低依序為百利普芬水基乳劑 26.23%、賜派滅水懸劑 12.28% 及達特南水溶性粒劑 8.85%。選用五種臺灣市售有機資材測試防治效果,防治率依序為脂肪酸鉀鹽 28.77%、窄域油 10.68%、混合苦楝液 10.34%、辣椒大蒜萃取物 7.34% 及印度苦楝油 6.80%,顯示混合苦楝液及印度苦楝油的防治效果不佳,而脂肪酸鉀鹽殺蟲效果較顯著,間隔七天後再次施用一次防治率可提高至 40.83%。抗蟲品種(系)選育試驗來源為臺南農改場培育出之 13 種紅龍果新品種(系),篩選仙人掌盾介殼蟲較無偏好之紅龍果植株,結果以103ASG-8、福龍及紫圓二等品種(系)抗蟲性最為顯著。本研究進行多項防治仙人掌盾介殼蟲的方法試驗,期望可以提供推行綜合防治之參考。


The cultivated area of pitaya in Taiwan is extending rapidly in recent years. For example, it reached 1,676 hectares and full production capacity was 38,965 tons in 2014. Meanwhile, lack of integrated pest management, intensive cultivation, facility cultivation and climatic upheaval raised the population and spread of the pests. The occurrence and infestation of cactus scale, Diaspis echinocacti (Bouché), has been detected in the fields and greenhouses. Which is an important worldwide pest of the cactus family, and is hard to detect before causing severe damage due to its fast reproducing rate, short life history and small size. In current study, physical control methods, chemical control methods (including insecticides and organic matreials), and planting insect-resistant cultivars were studied for the further application of integrated management. High-frequency microwave heating was chosen to study the physical control approach, where D. echinocacti eggs were completely eliminated within 65℃ in 10 second heating. The insecticides were also been tested where the control rates of Pyriproxyfen EW, Dinotefuran SG and Spirotetramat SC were 26.23%, 12.28% and 8.85%, respectively. Five organic material has been applied to test their control efficacy, where the control rates of potassium salts of fatty acids, narrow range oil, mixed neem oil, capsicum and garlic extract and neem oil are 28.77%, 10.68%, 10.34%, 7.34% and 6.80%, respectively. Furthermore, in the second replication which conducted 7 days after the first experiment, potassium salts of fatty acids gained 40.83% control rate. 13 pitaya cultivars (including several new cultivars from Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station) were selected to test their insect-resisting ability., the results showed the cactus scale population was lowest on 103ASG-8, fu long, purple round 2 cultivars. These control studies provide information which can be used in future integrated control applications.


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