  • 學位論文


A Study for Improving POA Irradiance of Fixed Solar Panels in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳文方


太陽能板的發電量由其所受到的太陽輻射能量所決定,並在很大的程度上受到其方位的影響。其中太陽能板的方位可以再進一步分為方位角和傾斜角。傳統上的做法是所有固定式太陽能板都被朝向天球赤道擺放。但是該方法並非完美,所以有許多研究試圖尋找更好的方法。在此研究中,我們提出一套用以尋找固定式太陽能板之最佳方位的方法。該方法首先以一套平面輻射能量模型評估不同平面的輻射能量,然後尋找能夠提供最佳結果的平面。這套平面輻射能量模型由數套子模型和演算法組成,它藉由以實地量測的太陽輻射能和氣象數據作為輸入資料以將各種實際情況的影響納入考量。為了針對不同目標分別尋找最佳方位,我們還引入了一套權重參數以進行加權優化運算。 該方法被用於來自全台各地一共25個地點的資料。單純對於平面輻射能量的優化結果顯示平均最佳方位角是8.93度向東,據分析這是由於下午有較多的雨天和陰天。儘管落差巨大,針對所有地點的分析結果或多或少都顯示出有一些改善空間。而其平均值則是1.83%。為了針對電力的經濟價值進行優化,台灣的時間電價被用以作為權重參數。由此得出的平均最佳方位角與單純對於平面輻射能量進行優化相比有14.67度向西的差距,據分析這是由於下午的時間電價較高所致。而所得出的平均改善空間則是2.04%。我們還發現山區在這兩次分析中都顯示出較高的改善空間。其中竹子湖是最極端的案例,在這兩次分析中分別顯示出38.10%和40.54%的改善空間。儘管由於理論模型的限制,上述結果有待進一步檢驗。這份結果仍然顯示傳統方法可能會嚴重低估部分地區的太陽能潛力,而較深入的分析則可能帶來意想不到的發現。


The performance of a solar panel is determined by the solar irradiance it receives and is strongly affected by its orientation, which can be expressed in array azimuth and tilt angle. The traditional method is that all fixed solar panels are placed toward the celestial equator. But the method is not perfect, so there is many research that tries to find a better method. In this study, we propose a method to find the optimal orientation for fixed solar panels by first develop a model that can estimate the potential POA (plane of array) irradiance of different planes, then find the plane that gives best result. The model consists of multiple sub-models and algorithms, and it takes the effect of various real-world conditions into account by taking locally measured solar and weather data as input. To find optimal orientation for different objectives, we have also enabled weighted optimization by introducing a weighting factor. The method is applied to data from 25 locations across Taiwan. When simply optimizing for POA irradiance, it is found that the average optimal array azimuth is 8.93° eastward, which should be attributed to the fact that there are more rainy or cloudy weather in the afternoon. While varies a lot, all location shows some improvement potential, with an average of 1.83%. To optimize for economic value of power, TOU (time of use) tariff of Taiwan is used as weighting factor. The resulted average optimal array azimuth is 14.67° more westward than simply optimize for POA irradiance, which should be attributed to the fact that TOU tariff is higher in the afternoon, and the average improvement potential is 2.04%. It is also found that mountainous areas tend to show more improvement potential in both cases. An extreme case is ZHUZIHU, which shows improvement of 38.10%/40.54% respectively. While the result requires further validation due to limit of theoretical models, the result still shows that solar irradiance potential in some areas may be significantly underestimated by the traditional method, and more detailed analysis may show surprising result.


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