  • 學位論文


Social Media Strategies of Taipei City Councilors: An Analysis of Facebook Fan Pages.

指導教授 : 林照真


在社群媒體蓬勃發展的年代,政治人物開始經營臉書粉絲專頁。地方政治人物如臺北市議員,可以在有限的資源下,使用臉書作為宣傳管道,也能接觸到不同選民。觀察臺北市議會第13屆61名市議員中,僅有4名並未經營臉書粉絲專頁,可見臉書粉專經營對於政治人物之重要性。而市議員之間,使用臉書粉專的動機與經營模式,則是本論文研究目的。 本論文使用檔案分析法與深度訪談法,深入了解臺北市議會第13屆市議員中,臉書粉專追蹤人數較為積極的前十名議員,試圖了解臺北市議員使用臉書粉絲專頁的目的,以及不同的社群媒體操作與經營模式。 本論文研究發現,市議員創立粉絲專頁是為了接觸年輕族群、為自己尋求發聲及曝光管道以及跟選民溝通。市議員也會藉由臉書進行形象設定,並選擇議題與民眾接觸。研究也發現,政治人物使用臉書時,難以進行雙向討論。主要原因在於臉書留言及私訊數量過多,無法進行深度溝通,更多時候臉書僅能成為公告用途。


In the age of social media, politicians had started running Facebook fan pages. Local politicians, such as Taipei City Councilors, with limited resource, will use Facebook as a propaganda channel to reach out to different voters. Observing the members in the 13th Taipei City Council, only 4 out of 61 city councilors do not have Facebook fan pages, which shows the importance of Facebook fan operations for local politicians. The paper tries to understand the motivation and strategies of Facebook fan pages for city councilors in Taipei. Based on the methods of document analysis and in-depth interviews, this paper tries to search the top ten councilors who are actively followed by Facebook fans among the 13th Taipei City Council members. This paper also makes in-depth analysis about different social media operations in them. The research finds that city councilors created fan pages to reach out to young people, to seek exposures for themselves, and to communicate with their voters. City councilors also use Facebook to set their images and choose topics to engage with the public. This research argues it is difficult to engage in two-way discussions on Facebook. Due to the huge amount of messages on Facebook, which makes in-depth communication impossible. More often, Facebook can only be used as announcements.


王嵩音(2010)。〈台灣選民媒介使用對於候選人形象與評價之影響:傳統媒介VS 新媒介〉,《傳播與管理研究》,10(1):3-15。
中廣新聞網(2021年12月30日)。〈年終算帳!最新政治網路聲量王是「他」 侯友宜只排第3〉,《中國廣播公司》。取自:https://bccnews.com.tw/archives/121015
