  • 學位論文


Intra-party democracy and the boundaries of judicial review in Germany

指導教授 : 陳新民


就台灣政黨制度與規範變遷而言,單一政黨之開端、政黨政治之變革至政黨國家之形成,政黨制度之發展乃呈現該時代之社會脈絡,而成為一民主轉型國家歷史進程之結果。然而,在規範變遷之層面乃有大法官釋字第31號解釋、大法官釋字第261號解釋、七次修憲之憲法變遷來相互呼應。此一互動過程乃開啟民主國家與民主政黨之對話,而涉及政黨國家、政黨內部民主、政黨自治、政黨仲裁、黨內初選、開除黨籍之範疇,進而開始本文對於政黨內部民主制度之研究。 政黨內部民主的問題不僅涉及政治現實與法律制度之整合,亦涉及公私法領域之交錯,而開展於憲法、政黨法、人民團體法、民法等實證法之範疇,其應如何建立一套合理之規範體系來加以保障和管制,本文乃以最初創設政黨內部民主制度之德國法制為一觀察主軸,來作為我國法制繼受之基石,透過釐清德國法律制度之脈絡,結合台灣社會現實與規範體系,探究政黨自由、政黨帄等、政黨公開、政黨內部民主之憲法路徑、政黨內部民主制度之理論與實踐、政黨紛爭解決制度、政黨自治與司法審查之界線等相關議題,希冀能再次啟發我國對於政黨內部民主之思考,並作為我國民主發展之關鍵契機。


This article is a structural analysis of the law and party system change in Taiwan. According to the single-party beginning, the change of party politics, the formation of party-state (Parteienstaat) ,the development of party system will be defined as the history of democratic transition in Taiwan(R.O.C.). Furthermore, this law change includes J. Y. (Judicial Yuan) Interpretation No. 31、J. Y. Interpretation No.261 and amending the Constitution for seven times. This interactive process initiates a dialog between the democratic state and the party democracy. Actually, they are hotly debating in the issue of intra-party democracy, political party autonomous, political party arbitration, inner-party primary election and expelling from the party. Consequently, this essay intends to give a systematic account of the intra-party democracy from the viewpoint of the comparative law. The problems of intra-party democracy are not only involved in the political reality and the legal system, they also involved in the divide of public laws and private laws, such as the Constitution, Party Law, Civil Organizations Act and Civil Code Part I General Principles. Hence, the purpose of this article is to establish a reasonable legal framework for the political parties. This essay has an aim to clarify the legal system of party in Germany and combine the social reality and the legal system in Taiwan so as to explore the issues of the freedom of political parties, the equality of political parties, the disclosure of political parties and the intra-party democracy in Taiwan(R.O.C.) and to comment the draft of party law in Taiwan(R.O.C.). This essay concludes that we should take the party law and intra-party democracy seriously. It is crucial to improve Taiwan's Democratization.


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