  • 學位論文


Social Media Advocacy of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study of Facebook of Women’s Foundations

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


本研究以四家婦女團體之臉書為例,探討非營利組織「如何」進行社群媒體倡議。本研究採用組織理論「組織模式五要素」的視角,分析組織如何透過其內部的「社會結構」、外在的「參與者」與特定的「科技」,應對「環境」趨勢,達成組織最終的倡議「目標」。 透過臉書社群編輯之深度訪談,以及主題分析法之資料整理,本研究發現受訪婦女團體在策略規劃層面,努力取得組織理念與粉絲喜好的共同交集,善用社群媒體生產意義、擴散訊息、凝聚關係、蓄積動能。此一策略實為「組織模式五要素」相互影響的產物,是一動態過程,而非靜態結果。 而實際執行層面,受訪婦女團體在「社會結構」方面,透過高層傾力支持、整體通力合作,克服資源拮据的困境,取得臉書經營良好成效。在「參與者」方面,臉書使一般大眾成為議題傳播的重要節點。其次,臉書也強化知名人物、傳統媒體、相關團體這三類核心參與者在實體世界的動員能力。 在「科技」方面,受訪婦女團體運用「金字塔三階段倡議模式」,應對「環境」之中資訊碎片化與娛樂化、網路一言堂與負面情緒充斥,以及懶人行動主義等負面趨勢。在「目標與評鑑」方面,受訪婦女團體自我定位為「福利組織」者,傾向以「量」為目標,採取軟性策略,達成組織募款的首要考量。自我定位為「倡議組織」者,傾向以「質」為目標,採取硬性策略,促進議題反思的先驅任務。綜上,臉書倡議成效實與組織使命、組織定位、目標族群、臉書操作等密不可分。


This study is for exploring the “know-how” of the non-profit organizations that operate advocacy through social media. We took 4 woman welfare/rights organizations’ Facebook Pages as study objects, and analyzed them with the “five elements of organizations”: social structure, goal, participants, technology and environment. We interviewed their 6 social media editors, and inducted the transcripts with thematic analysis. In the strategy level, we found that these woman welfare/rights organizations strive to a find balance between their core values and Facebook fans’ favor. For them, Facebook is a necessary “media” to crate discourses and spread ideas, and it’s also an important “social community” to interact with targeted audiences and accumulate energy for collective actions in the future. This strategy is not a static structure, but a dynamic process of “five elements” interaction. In the implementation level of “social structure” element, these woman welfare/rights organizations overcome the limited resources by trans-department cooperation. In the “participants” element, using Facebook make the mass also become information nodes and participate to the advocacy more frequently. Facebook also strengthens the ability to the collective actions of three kinds of central participants: celebrities, traditional media and related social welfare/movement groups. In the “technology” element, these woman welfare/rights organizations deal with some negative trends of the “environment” element by a “pyramid model of social media-based advocacy”. These trends include fragmented and entertainment-approached information, objection-exclusive atmosphere with aggressive emotions and “slacktivism”. In the “goal (and evaluation)” element, the woman organizations that identify themselves as “welfare” organizations take the quantitative-goal approach and the softer style of Facebook content because of the urgent need for raising donation. In the contrary, the one that identify itself as “advocacy” organization take the qualitative-goal approach and the harder style. It explains that the outcome of the Facebook advocacy is deeply connected to four dimensions of an organization: mission statements, self-positioning, target audiences and Facebook operation models. As the five elements of organizations, these four dimensions also affect and create the synergy for each other.


Facebook social media advocacy social movement NPO


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