  • 學位論文


The Impact of Industry Life Cycle and Corporate Effect on Growth Strategy - A Case Study of Personal Computer Industry

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 陳忠仁


本研究根據文獻回顧與個案分析,奠基於產業生命週期理論、資源基礎理論與制度理論,提出成長策略模式的矩陣模型分類架構。以進入產業的產業生命週期階段與事業範疇作為兩軸,將企業的成長模型分成四類:(一)技術先佔、(二)資本前鋒、(三)通路跟隨、(四)品牌後援。顯示企業在不同產業生命週期階段進入產業時,所必須擁有的能力或資產,並且納入集團資源挹注的影響因素,比較是否形成企業經營模式與成長策略的不同。因此,本研究提出一成長策略變數架構,分別從資源基礎、事業策略、成長策略等三方面分析與比較企業的經營模式與成長策略。 本研究選擇產業生命週期演化較為完整的個人電腦產業,並且尋找各階段進入產業的代表廠商。個案分析結果顯示,進入產業的產業生命週期階段,由於演化至不同的競爭基礎,與企業切入產業時所擁有的資源基礎與核心能力,必須高度契合,集團挹注集團特有資源至事業部門亦影響資源基礎、經營模式與成長策略;當位於同樣的產業生命週期階段,企業會趨於同質化以因應現行的競爭基礎與消費者偏好,因此擁有與採取相似的資源基礎、經營模式與成長策略,唯一的差異僅在於集團因素的影響,有集團資源挹注的廠商,較容易運用集團內事業部門的科技與行銷綜效,成長策略也傾向集團式多角化,並且透過內部自行發展,而非併購或策略聯盟,來達成成長。 研究貢獻與管理意涵在於提出企業從兩個角度來思考經營模式與成長策略,從產業生命週期演化與制度理論的角度,以及資源基礎與集團資源的角度,從內外部環境來檢視對於企業經營策略與成長策略的影響。


According to literature review, case analysis, based on industry life cycle theory, resource based view and institutional theory, this thesis proposed a matrix topology model to analyze and compare growth strategy of companies. The two dimensions composed the matrix, which were entry time and business scope, segmenting four growth strategy mode: (1) Technology Preemptor, (2) Capital Pioneer, (3) Channel Follower, (4) Brand Backer. The four modes represented that the entry decision and condition of a company should match the competition base during a specific period and core competence of the company, and that corporate effect and corporate resource would also affect the resource base, business model and growth strategy. Therefore, this thesis developed a strategic variable analytic framework, including three constructs: resource base, business strategy, and growth strategy. This study chose PC industry as the case study industry, as it was the industry that underwent every stage along the industry life cycle. Therefore, we chose companies that entered PC industry during different industry life cycle. The research result was that different companies entered the industry during different industry life cycle would have different resource base, business strategy and growth strategy. Also, corporate effects would influence them. When companies were in the same industry life cycle, companies tended to be more alike, while the only difference was corporate effect. Corporate effects would lead to technology and marketing synergy, conglomerate diversification and inward development. We propose that company could contemplate business model and growth strategy from the perspective industry life cycle, institutional theory, and resource based view.


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