  • 學位論文

數位匯流趨勢下之網路整合方案研究 –以台灣民營電信業者為案例

Network Integration Strategies under the Trend of Digital Convergence - a Case Study on a Telecom Operator in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林永松


台灣政府於1997年開始實施一連串的電信自由化及民營化政策,開始了電信市場風起雲湧、業者百家爭鳴的時代;十餘年後的今天,經過了激烈的競逐及併購後,電信市場已形成集團化的傾向,中華電信、台灣大哥大及遠傳電信三大電信集團囊括超過九成的電信市場市佔率。 今天,台灣的電信產業存在幾個現象,固網部份,中華電信一家獨大,市內電話的最後一哩資源幾乎完全掌握在其手中;行動網部份,語音營收出現衰退、數據營收則呈現高度成長,一增一減後,整體營收成長出現停滯的現象,這是電信產業的危機。另一方面,數位匯流的趨勢已然形成,電信與有線電視產業開始異業合作,且由於數位化科技的發展,有線電視系統的纜線成為電信業者進入家計用戶家庭的另一選擇,這是電信業者突破困境、重拾營收成長的契機。 本研究首先針對台灣的電信產業及有線電視產業的現況做深入的分析,歸納出產業面臨的危機與契機,並以電信自由化後才進入市場的新電信業者為研究的主體,探討這類的電信業者在危機與轉機中如何找到自身的發展方向及策略。 本研究將討論重點放在網路整合的層面,即面對數位匯流的新局,新電信業者該如何運用有限的資源、整合固網、行動網及有線電視網三種異質網路來達到最大的綜效,並有效打破中華電信在家計用戶最後一哩資源方面一家獨大的局面。 本研究選定T公司為研究的主體,T公司為電信市場上的領導業者之ㄧ,擁有行動網、固網及有線電視網,是最有機會在數位匯流趨勢中勝出的業者,也是最有探討價值的對象。


數位匯流 網路整合


In 1997, Taiwan government implemented a series of telecom liberalization and privatization policy and began a time where many companies rise and fall in the telecommunications market. Today, more than a decade later, after a fierce competition, with mergers & acquisition, the telecommunications market has now settled down to a few major companies. Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile and FarEasTone Telecom, the three biggest telecom groups now encompass more than 90% of telecom market share. Today, there are several phenomena existing in Taiwan's telecom industry. In fixed network, ChungHwa telecom is the dominant operator since it controls almost all of the last mile resources. In mobile network, while the revenue of voice call service is decreasing , the revenue of data service is increasing in a highly degree, resulting in a small growth in overall revenue. This is the crisis in the telecommunications industry. On the other hand, the trend of digital convergence is already taking shape, telecommunications and cable TV industries have begun cross-sector cooperation, and because of the development of IT technology, the cable wire of cable TV system becomes another alternatives for the telecom operater to penetrate into the living room of house-hold customers. This is the opportunity of the telecom operator. In this research, we first focus on the study of the current situation of the telecom industry and the cable TV industry in Taiwan. An in-depth analysis was done, summarizing the crises and opportunities faced. Using one telecom operator as a case study, we looked into how it found its own direction and development strategy. In this research, we foucsed on the topic of netowk integration, that is, in the epoch of digital convergence, how should the private telecom operator utilize the limited resources to integrate the three types of heterogeneous networks, fixed network, mobile network and cable TV network, to reach the maximum synergy. “T Company” was chosen as the subject for the case study in this research. “T Company”, one of the biggest telecom operators in Taiwan with operation in fixed network, mobile network and cable TV network, is most likely to succeed in this competition, and thus most valuable to study.


一. 中文部份
1. 高凱聲,數位匯流與監理制度探討,第399期空大學訊。
2. 謝奇任等譯,1997,大匯流:整合媒體、資訊與傳播,台北市:亞太圖書。
3. 林舒柔、謝凱宇譯,李吉仁教授審訂,2005,現代策略管理,台北:科大文化。
4. 李吉仁,五力模型及價值網分析。
