  • 學位論文


The Study on Marketing Strategy of Digital Transformation of Taiwan Telecom Industry

指導教授 : 周德瑋


台灣電信業自4G上市後,長期處於資費極度競爭的環境,國人對4G上網使用率大增,除了智慧型手機的普及,更大的原因來自於電信業提供愈來愈便宜的上網吃到飽方案。電信業在面臨極度競爭及獲利衰退下,必須重新思考如何掌握自身的核心能力、為客戶創造價值。透過數位轉型,以顧客為導向,思考公司所提供的產品與服務,在其客層與消費者的定位,擬定未來的價值地圖! 本研究透過國外電信為區隔原目標市場,透過發展新的數位品牌做為與母品牌的差異化數位行銷策略做為個案公司發展數位行銷的參考,並探討個案公司與擁有超過1900萬的Line共同合作推出新的數位品牌LINE MOBILE做為數位行銷的利器,透過「行銷STP架構」拓展新目標市場進而提升整體公司的新用戶市佔率,並於2018年電信網路門市雙11活動中,與母品牌分擊不同的目標用戶群及競爭對手,以共同拉抬市佔的同時又可技巧性的保有電信市場價格不致過度競爭。 透過研究分析整理後,提供個案公司及電信產業應積極佈局數位行銷的建議,提供方便的線上電信服務已成趨勢,以現今2020年,全球面臨新冠肺炎的疫情影響下,實體通路來客數大幅衰退,消費的習慣已從線下轉為線上,誰能掌握線上服務客群才會是未來的贏家!


電信業 數位轉型 數位行銷 STP LINE LINE MOBILE


The Taiwan telecommunications industry has been extremely competitive since the introduction of 4G. The demand for 4G internet has increased in recent years, due to the ever increasing popularity of smartphones, coupled with competitive unlimited data rate plans on offer from telecommunications companies. In the current environment of high competition and low profit, companies are required to reform their positions, so as to offer better value in the market. Through digital transformation, with intention of resetting the target market and reviewing its services and products, telecommunications companies will start to adopt a more customer-oriented position, which in turn will create a new business model. This article will take the foreign telecommunications industry as a reference for Taiwan's, and discuss how to develop digital marketing strategies by establishing a new sub-digital-brand, while being able to be differentiated from its parent brand; cases that utilize the newly-released digital brand "LINE MOBILE", in cooperation with LINE, as their major marketing advantage and to develop a new market so as to increase the market share via the STP structure. Furthermore, the sub-brand successfully achieved the target sales goal, while managing to maintain a sustainable price at the same time during the 2018 e-commerce 11th shopping festival, without overlapping target customer with their parent brand. As of 2020, due to the impact of COVID-19, there has been a serious recession in traditional retailers. As a result, easy access to online services has become a trend. It is advised that telecommunications companies should put emphasis in digital service infrastructure and turn offline into online services. The future of this industry will be dictated by those who have a good command of the online service sector.


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