  • 學位論文


Zhan Guo Ce Rhetorical Analysis

指導教授 : 李隆獻


本論文以西方修辭學理論為參照,分析《戰國策》的遊說技巧。歷來已有不少學者對《戰國策》進行研究,其主要論述側重在:辯論之辭的賞析、對策士能力的重視及討論《戰國策》的道德觀念等。相對的,深入分析《戰國策》所載言論之概念系統方面,則尚有一間:學者所運用的相關術語不多,所依據的修辭理論也較薄弱。因此,筆者嘗試借鑒西方修辭理論,運用其已有的修辭系統,分析、討論《戰國策》中的遊說篇章。 本文第二章先就《戰國策》是否是修辭書進行討論。指出即使劉向編輯《戰國策》的目標可能與修辭無關,但是透過章節的結構,可知重點仍在於勸說。即使有部分章節敘事較多,但是這些章節仍有很詳細的辯論,並且具備許多與修辭學相關的資料。 第三章討論《戰國策》與相關修辭理論,首先由西方修辭學為出發,特別是亞里士多德提出的情緒(πάθος)修辭概念;同時也加入戰國時期類似的概念:韓非子〈說難〉中的「心」與鬼谷子〈揣編〉、〈摩編〉的「情」。另外,筆者也要提出《戰國策》以情緒作為修辭技巧的例子,指出《戰國策》中某些篇章的作者,重視言論對於被勸說方心理的影響而對其特別加以記載,而勸說者則運用與韓非子〈說難〉中修辭概念相同的遊說策略。 第四章以幾個著名的《戰國策》故事為例,分析《戰國策》的修辭技巧,筆者將論述寓言、歷史典故、設問、訴諸權威四個修辭技巧的功能。其作用為影響被勸說者的情緒。本章也將提出蔡澤運用與鬼谷子〈揣編〉與〈摩編〉相同策略的歷史典故。 第五章則比較《戰國策》、《國語》和《左傳》的修辭目標,指出《國語》與《左傳》之言論主要作為道德教訓,《戰國策》則依靠言論遊說,獲得實際的成功。同時也將討論,學者認為《左》、《國》乃尚義而捨利,《戰國策》則求利而棄義,筆者將透過前述之分析,說明《戰國策》求利固然為真,但並不能說完全捨棄道義,而乃具有屬於其時代的、以百姓為重的道德觀趨向。


修辭學 戰國策 情緒 修辭理論


The purpose of this master thesis is analyzing the rhetorical techniques of Zhan Guo Ce戰國策. Although there are few studiesabout the rhetoric in this work, all these lack a suitable terminology system for the analysis of his speeches. For this reason, I will use a terminology system whose origin is the Greco-Roman rhetoric. In the second chapter I will analyze the rhetorical Zhan Guo Ce value.Although the intention of the editor , Liu Xiang劉向, had no connection with the rhetoric , but the main focus of the chapters is the persuasive act. There are passages whose prose has more relevance than speeches . In these passages there are sophisticated persuasive acts and rhetoric closely related information. The third chapter will present the rhetorical theory of the Warring States Period and their use in Zhan Guo Ce. Han Feizi and Gui Gu Zi developed a concept identical to Aristotelian pathos . In the Zhan Guo Ce speeches there are also pathos strategies that correspond to what Han Feizi and Gui Gu Zi said. The narrator pays attention to the psychological effect they cause. In the fourth chapter I will analyze four rhetorical figures that frequently appear in Zhan Guo Ce from the point of view of pathos .These rhetorical figures are the fable, the historical example , the rhetorical question and the argument ad verecundiam . This chapter will also see historical examples similar with the strategies that Gui Gu Zi expose in Mo Bian and Bian Chuai . In the fifth chapter I will compare the rhetorical Zhan Guo Ce objective with Guo Yu國語Zuo Zhuan左傳. The discourses of Guo Yu and Zuo Zhuan are the ethical teaching service while The discourses of Zhan Guo Ce are examples of persuasion success. Researchers have found that the Guo Yu and Zuo Zhuan emphasize ethics while Zhan Guo Ce is only interested in benefit . This chapter will argue that , although it is true that shi士 seek benefits , but should not be ignored that Zhan Guo Ce has his own ethical values.


Rhetoric Zhan Guo Ce pathos rhetoric theory


李滌生:《荀子集釋》,臺北: 臺灣學生書局, 1979年。
許立軒:〈《鬼谷子》「隱真」說服理論在《戰國策》說服的應用〉, 《東方人文誌》, 9(2),頁 33-58,2010年。
Chang Su-ching,“Three Rhetorical Modes in Pre-Qin Court Remonstrance”, Adressing The Autocrat: The Drama of the Early Chinese Court Discourse, University of Oklahoma, March 21, 2009.

