  • 學位論文


Computer-Assisted Estimate System for Bridge Flood-Resistant

指導教授 : 蔡益超


橋梁是道路系統中不可或缺的一環,一旦遭受損害出現問題,對於交通運輸及道路使用者,將造成莫大的影響。台灣地區交通量成長迅速,大型車輛增多,超載問題相當嚴重;河床盜、濫採砂石行為猖獗,以致河床下降,橋梁基礎嚴重裸露,加上洪水、土石流等災害之潛在威脅,使得橋梁結構安全出現問題。為維護橋梁的功能正常及維持交通運輸的順暢,需定時的檢測橋梁安全,以了解橋梁現況與使用情形,對構造物受損狀況能充分掌握,且能視構造物損壞程度評定橋梁之危害度等級,因此本研究在.Net的軟體平台上採用C#程式語言開發一套橋梁耐洪能力電腦輔助評估系統,利用兩種不同計算沖刷深度的方法,分別為Melville and Coleman計算方法及CSU(Colorado State University)計算方法,去計算當洪水沖刷時,對橋墩所造成的局部沖刷深度影響,進而了解基礎裸露的情況,並且由計算分析結果,判讀橋梁的安全性,適時於予維護。 政府橋梁管理相關單位對於基礎裸露嚴重的橋梁積極地進行橋梁檢測及維修補強的工作,但由於人力及經費等資源均有限,需妥善運用現有的有限資源,以使橋梁進行維護工作效益達到最高,因此本研究將藉由橋梁耐洪能力評估系統所分析的結果,再進行橋梁耐洪補強優選排序,透過優選排序的評估結果,清楚地了解到橋梁的嚴重損壞程度,便於對基礎裸露嚴重的橋梁先進行維護及修補。


The bridge is essential in road system. It will affect traffic transportation and the road users significantly once it was damaged. The volume of traffic grows up rapidly, big cars increase, and serious overloading problems; Excess and illegal picking sandstone cause the riverbed descend, and the foundation is exposed seriously. Additionally, the potential threat of floods, mudflows and landslides will make the problems happen on the structure of bridge. To keep the function of bridge work well and the traffic transportation smoothly, regular examination of the bridge safety is necessary. And help us to understand the present state of bridge using, to adequately control the structure of building damaging, and judge the bridge damage scale by structure damage level. This research adopts C# programming language on .Net Framework to develop Windows software for the capacity of bridge prevent-flood which uses two different kinds of scouring depth: Melville and Coleman Method and CSU (Colorado State University) Method. Calculate the partial scouring effect to the pier when the flood scours, and then to understand the situation of foundation exposedness. According to the analysis of calculation, determine the safety of bridge, and maintain at the right moment. The bridge management agency of government measures and fixes the bridge which the foundation seriously exposes constructively. Due to the limit of human resource and budget, it’s necessary to well-arranged using limited resource to make the highest efficiency of maintenance for bridge. Therefore this research use the analysis result from the capacity of bridge prevent-flood, then sort the repairing priority of bridge prevent-flood to understand the damage level of bridge clearly and help us to maintain and fix the bridge which the foundation exposes seriously.


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