  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Internet Self-Efficacy, Self-Discrepancy, Discomfort and Perception of Privacy Invasion

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


隨著網際網路的盛行及科技的發達,不僅為人們的生活帶來便利性,也讓資訊的交流與分享更加容易。然而,當資訊的存取變得簡單容易時,對於網路使用者而言,其對隱私權受侵犯之擔憂也隨之增加。 本研究於過去的文獻中發現,使用者的網路素養水平、人格特質與情緒會影響其對於隱私權侵犯疑慮之判斷。有鑑於過去在自我認知層面對於隱私權受侵犯感受之影響相關文獻的缺乏,本研究嘗試以網路使用者的角度,來探究使用者自我認知層面之因素與隱私權被侵犯感受之關係。自我認知之因素包含了網路自我效能與自我差距兩部分。本研究並加入情緒因子,藉由研究使用者自我認知因素與情緒的關係,即網路自我效能程度與不同類型之自我差距,是否會引發負面情緒,進而影響使用者隱私權受侵犯之感受程度。接著,由於自我差距與情緒脆弱又可區分成不同的類型,因此更進一步探討不同自我差距之類型與負面情緒之類型,其影響隱私權受侵犯認知之程度關係。 研究對象以台灣地區網路使用者為樣本,透過網路進行施測,共得110份有效問卷。研究分析結果發現,網路自我效能與隱私權受侵犯認知有正向關係;情緒脆弱與隱私權受侵犯認知有正向關係;而自我差距中以責任與實際自我差距程度愈高時,其引發之焦慮情緒程度愈高;而情緒脆弱中又以焦慮情緒與隱私權受侵犯之認知程度影響存在正向關係。


The prevalence of the social information technology and social media has not only increased us content accessibility but also enhanced our information sharing and exchange. However, such natures of interactivity and transparence have caused the concerns on privacy when web users constantly registered in those “new and unknown” applications and browsed through the web space. This study attempts to examine the issues on privacy concern from the users’ perception perspective. We regard the privacy concern as what users think of as an invasion of privacy. Under such, the privacy is subjectively perceived and judged. The self cognition construct is studied to test its impact on privacy concern. Two sub-construct, self-efficacy and self-discrepancy, were examined accordingly. Discomfort is proposed as a mediator on self cognition to privacy concern. To empirically test the hypotheses, one hundred and ten survey results were collected and analyzed. The results indicate that the extent of internet self-efficacy is significantly correlated to perception of privacy invasion; the self-discrepancy is positively correlated to negative emotions; anxiety is positively correlated to perception of privacy invasion.


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