  • 學位論文


The Study of The Construction Interface Integration of The Mechanical/Electrical System in Building Construction

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


在傳統建築工程中,機電系統由於其種類複雜與施工多樣之特性,在施工階段常常因為缺乏事前完整之界面整合,以致造成施工程序紊亂、天花板完成面高度不夠、變更設計及工期延宕,使整體工期與品質受到影響。為改善此種情形,本研究將探討機電系統施工界面整合之方式,經由專家訪談及工地調查,透過知識擷取之方式建立整合排序邏輯,並以一實際之案例做驗證,進行機電系統界面分析以及界面整合之探討。 本研究將整合方式分為兩個階段-套圖階段及施工階段界面整合。套圖階段整合為機電工程第一次之界面整合,主要進行平面的設備與管路2D整合,並解決3D的衝突與管路高程分配,透過套圖階段界面整合表依整合及排序原則進行比較,得到設備及管路平面與立體空間整合之結果。施工階段整合為第二次之界面整合,藉由施工階段工作界面表所釐清之排序原則,進行施工階段界面整合,得到各系統各工項施工排序,避免前置作業與後續作業混淆。依據二階段界面整合之結果,建立各系統及全系統分項施工排序以及施工排序邏輯網圖供現場做較佳之時程管控依據。 機電工程因為種類及工項繁瑣而複雜,現場管理需要仰賴經驗豐富之工程師,本研究即是將這些經驗條理化與邏輯化,透過套圖階段及施工階段之整合,找出合理的機電系統施工排序。因為施工前透過完整之界面整合解決了空間衝突與排序邏輯,機電工程施工中經常面臨之問題即可獲得釐清,如此,經常發生之變更設計、管路衝突及天花板高度不足之問題即可避免,工期與工程品質即可達到如期如質如式之成果。


Electrical/mechanical systems normally is the most intricate in the building construction, due to it’s complexity, the lack of integration often causes problems in the construction sequence – ceiling height alterations, change order and delay, to name just a few, affect the quality of construction greatly. This paper tries to investigate various ways to integrate electrical/mechanical systems in building construction, the input of construction experts and visits to building sites help establish the logistics. A case study is used to analyze and explore the interface and integration of electrical/mechanical systems in building construction. This paper examines two stages of integration – one in the drawing stage and the other in the construction stage. In the first stage, the main task is to coordinate plans with the two dimensional piping and duct layouts, trying to discover the conflict between the two in a three dimensional fashion. The coordination will result in a clearly delineated charts of integration and sequencing table. In the construction stage, construction interface and sequencing will be the basis for the coordination to avoid the confusion of pre and post installation of electrical and mechanical systems. These two stages of coordination will help produce the ideal construction sequencing for the construction site to have a better scheduling control. Electrical/ mechanical systems in construction tend to be complex and diverse, it relies on experienced engineer for on-site supervision. This experience is utilized for the two stage coordination mentioned above to arrive at a rational and logical sequencing for the construction of these systems. When conflicts are resolved prior to construction, it eliminates problems that often occur during construction and schedule and quality of construction are thus assured.


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張圳鴻(2013)。建築工程施工階段土建與機電 介面管理實務應用之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00556
