  • 學位論文


A Reverse Supply Chain Multitiered Network Equilibrium Model with Government Subsidy

指導教授 : 洪一薰


在逆向供應鏈中,政府的補助政策扮演了重要的角色,它不僅能激勵人民回收,也能讓回收體系正常的運作。本研究發展一個多階逆向供應鏈網路均衡模型,把逆向供應鏈中的成員分為四個階層,分別是電子廢棄物來源(sources of e-scrap)、收集商(collectors)、處理商(processors)以及需求市場(demand markets),研究每個階層的行為及其最佳化條件並轉換成變分不等式(variational inequality),利用修正投影法(modified projection method)及應用Matlab軟體來求得均衡數量及價格。本研究所探討的議題是,政府所訂定的補助政策,如何分配給收集商及處理商可獲得較好的電子廢棄物回收量,並將政府補助政策分為線性補助政策以及非線性補助政策兩種,分析在兩種不同的補助政策下,回收量會如何變動。最後本研究運用數值分析,證明了在非線性補助政策之下,若電子廢棄物無法百分之百復原成可用的原料,則政府補貼給收集商將會獲得較高的回收量。


In reverse supply chains, government subsidies play important roles because government subsidies encourage people to recycle and reuse the scrap electronics. In this study, we propose a multitiered network equilibrium model for reverse supply chain management, including sources of scrap electronics, collectors, processors and demand markets. We describe four tiers’ behavior represented by their objective functions and optimality conditions, and we establish the variational inequality formulation. We utilize the modified projection method implemented in Matlab to compute the variational inequality problem and obtain the equilibrium quantity and price. In this study, we divide the subsidy into two types, linear subsidy and nonlinear subsidy. We investigate the impact of different subsidy scenarios on total recycled flows. Finally, according to the numerical analysis, we can conclude that in the case of the nonlinear subsidy, if the scrap electronics cannot be recovered completely, subsidizing to collectors can obtain more recycled scrap electronics.


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