  • 學位論文


Clinical trial of a collagen drink supplement on adult's skin moisture and elasticity

指導教授 : 沈立言


隨著人類平均壽命的延長,如何延緩老化成為許多學者積極投入的領域,尤其是皮膚抗老的相關研究。皮膚老化是一個複雜的過程,年齡、紫外線、飲食與環境等因素皆可能會影響皮膚的狀態,包括皮膚彈性與含水量的改變、可見細紋與皺紋的生成等老化現象。許多研究發現真皮層膠原蛋白含量的減少與皮膚老化的現象有關。市面上含膠原蛋白的營養補充品種類眾多,然而,膠原蛋白經由口服後是否具有改善皮膚老化的作用,目前仍缺乏足夠的科學證據,因此本研究欲藉由雙盲設計的臨床實驗,探討補充含膠原蛋白的飲品對成人皮膚狀態的影響。 本研究採用營養補充飲品(飲品 A ) 與含1克膠原蛋白的營養補充飲品 (飲品 B ),並有六十二名年齡介於三十五歲至六十五歲的受試者參與實驗。將受試者其隨機分為兩組,於實驗期間內,分別先後飲用飲品A (不含膠原蛋白) 和飲品 B (含膠原蛋白),每人每天空腹飲用一瓶(五十毫升/瓶);連續飲用八週後,停止飲用飲品二週以作為排空期 (washout period),之後飲用另一種飲品八週,總共為期十八週。實驗期間需接受皮膚功能檢測,其左臉頰與左手臂內側各檢測皮膚膠原彈力纖維、表皮水分含量、經皮水分散失。實驗期間受試者維持原有飲食習慣與皮膚清潔保養方式,並利用問卷探討飲食的喜好與膚質狀態間的關係。 結果發現,隨著年齡的增加,受試者手臂膠原彈力纖維的含量也隨之降低,顯示年齡與體內膠原蛋白的含量有關。平時喜好食用蔬果、優格、起司與不過量的肉類、少油炸物與冰品者,有較好的膚質狀態。飲用飲品A或飲品B皆有助於提高受試者臉部和手臂皮膚的膠原彈力纖維與表皮水分的維持,尤其是35-45歲的組別飲用含有膠原蛋白的飲品 B後,皮膚臉部與手臂的膠原彈力纖維增加率為 25.5% 與 8% 其增加量高於年長組,推測體內膠原蛋白的吸收與合成能力與年齡有關。因此,由本研究推論藉由營養補充品有助於改善成人皮膚的彈性,及維持皮膚的含水量;35-45歲的成人補充膠原蛋白飲品較具改善皮膚老化的效果。


As human life expectancy increases, there are many scholars particular attention to the study of anti-aging, especially the skin. Skin aging is a complex process. The age, ultraviolet light, diet and environmental factors were be demonstrated to influence the characteristic of skin, including skin elasticity, water content, fine lines, wrinkles and so on. Many studies have found that dermal collagen content reduced with skin aging. There are many types of collagen supplements on the market; however, the effect of oral administration of collagen on anti-skin aging is still unclear. Therefore, the objective of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of collagen drink supplement on adult's skin using double-blind clinical trial. Drink A (nutritional supplement drinks without collagen) and drinks B (drink A with 1 g collagen was added) were used for the sample. A 18-weeks randomized double-blind controlled study including 62 subjects (35-65 years old) where the supplements (drink A and B) were tested for 8 weeks followed by a 2-weeks supplement-free period for both groups to assess lasting effects. Skin surface evaluations included the left cheek and inside of the left upper arm of skin collagen elastic fibers, epidermal water content, transepidermal water loss. During the experiment, subjects were to maintain their original dietary habits and life style, and using questionnaires to compare the relationship between dietary preferences and skin function. We found that the age of subject’s consequent to decrease the collagen elastic fiber content, showing aging was related to the body collagen content. Moreover, dietary fruits and vegetables, yogurt, cheese and little meat, fries and ice cream have better skin condition. Both drink A and drink B contributes to increases the facial and arm’s skin elastic fibers and collagen to maintain skin moisture. In 35-45 years old group, drink B provided better effect on increasing collagen and elastic fibers content of facial and arm’s skin than older groups. These result may referred the absorption and synthesis of collagen with age-related. In conclusion, nutritional supplements improved skin elasticity and maintained the skin's water content in adults.


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