  • 學位論文

台灣水產養殖業者之策略變革研究:競合策略觀點 _ 以A公司為例

The Strategies of Competition and Cooperation of Aquaculture Industry In Taiwan _ A Case Study of Specific Company

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


臺灣由於四面環海,對海洋資源的需求從來就沒有少過,當中的水產養殖產業更是在過去短短的50年間,從技術落後到技術領先,創造了一段輝煌的養殖史。1980年代是臺灣草蝦養殖的巔峰期,粗估當時臺灣草蝦的年產量就占了將近全球草蝦年產量的4成。然而隨著外在環境的劇變和限制,像是突然爆發的蝦瘟與臺灣的土地面積有限,許多業者紛紛前往海外尋求發展機會,抑或是跨足其他相關產業尋求多角化經營。在這當中,不同業者針對環境的變動與趨勢,所做出的策略決策皆不盡相同,有些做對決策的因此取得極大的成功,有些則是押錯方向而導致黯然離場。 本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對當中具有指標性的企業進行研究與訪談,瞭解其在面對到過往環境的變化時,所做出的因應策略為何。同時也參考過往針對競爭策略的相關研究文獻,進而利用當中的SWOT、波特五力模型、競合策略與價值網等架構,來協助分析A公司過往針對環變化所做出的不同因應方式背後成功或者失敗的關鍵因數為何,並歸納出兩個最主要的關鍵成功因素。研究結果顯示,「正派且持續堅持與人共好的經營理念」與「領先同業的經驗與技術實力」此兩個關鍵因素,大大地提升了A公司過往所做策略決策的成功率。 雖然企業能夠成功的背後關鍵因素都不盡相同,且在不同的時空背景下也會有所差異,然而本研究仍期望透過研究產業中的標竿企業,進而帶出具有同業參考價值的關鍵成功因數,使得相關業者未來在做策略決策時成為其重要之參考,並帶動相關業者能夠持續突破與提升,強化自身在世界上的競爭力。


Taiwan is surrounded by ocean and because of the geographic issue, people are highly relying on the marine resource and have been developed aquaculture for decades. When we mention the aquaculture of tiger prawn, Taiwan was the market leader during 1980s, the yearly production of tiger prawn in Taiwan had reached to 40% of world total production. As time goes by and the environment changes, the players of aquaculture industry also need to change their strategy to come up with the trend. The study is as a case study, targeting one of the outstanding companies in aquaculture industry in Taiwan and to understand what kinds of strategies the case company had used to overcome the changes of environment and trend. In this study, SWOT, Porter Five Forces Model, Co-Opetition and Value Net are the main frames to help to identify the strategies and actions, which had been done by case company, were proper or improper. Then sum up two key factors, “the management philosophy of righteousness & Gung Ho” and “cutting edge technology & leading techniques”, which have made case company’s strategies being workable. Different companies might have their own key success factors and strategies. Hope this study can be a help for those who want to know more about aquaculture industry.


李明軒、邱如美譯(1999),Michael E. Porter著(1985)。競爭優勢(上/下)。臺北天下遠見出版股份有限公司。
