  • 學位論文


Spatiotemporal pattern of cetacean stranding in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周蓮香
共同指導教授 : 李培芬


為了解台灣沿海鯨豚擱淺事件的時空分布,本研究收集1996年10月到2005年4月的擱淺資料,共有250筆進行分析,探討的因子包括季風時期、冷氣團、颱風、月亮週期和海岸段。將每年分成東北季風時期和西南季風時期,氣候因子中的冷氣團分成了三個時期(無冷氣團來襲、來襲期間和來襲後一個星期內),颱風亦分成相同時期(無颱風、颱風期間和颱風後一個星期內)去比較,而每月的月亮週期分成了四個時期(新月、上弦月、下弦月和滿月),另外將台灣的海岸分成了11個海岸段以做分析。 鯨豚擱淺頻度的時間變異分析結果發現東北季風時期的擱淺率(2.6次/月)雖略高於西南季風時期的擱淺率(2.2次/月),但無顯著差異。另外,東北季風時期中死亡擱淺比例明顯較西南季風時期為高。沒有冷氣團來襲的擱淺率較高,冷氣團來襲期間和過後一個星期內的擱淺率下降,意即冷氣團來襲並不會造成擱淺頻度的增加,相反地有降低的趨勢,但無顯著差異。另外,颱風來襲後第一個星期內的擱淺率較高,但亦無顯著差異。在月週期部分,在兩次農曆發生大潮的日子(1~3日和15~18日),擱淺頻度較高,但也無顯著差異。總結,除了東北季風時期的死亡擱淺高於活體擱淺外,其他時間、氣候因子皆無顯著影響。 鯨豚擱淺頻度的空間分布分析則發現有顯著的非均勻分布現象,在11個海岸段中,頭城 (Toucheng)至北方澳 (Peifanao)之間海岸的擱淺率明顯高於其他海岸段;台灣東部和南端的海岸相對於其他海岸而言的擱淺率較低。另外地理分布模式受季風影響,東北季風時期的擱淺分布較平均分布於全島,而西南季風時期的擱淺分布較偏向北部海岸。台灣西南沿海地區的擱淺有顯著季節變化,集中於東北季風時期的冬季。造成這些差異性鯨豚擱淺分布模式的可能原因有人為的通報率、鯨豚族群的野外分布及風向和海流的交互作用。


擱淺 時空分布 鯨豚 種類


In order to understand spatiotemporal distribution of cetacean stranding in Taiwan and investigate the relationship between stranding occurrence and natural environment, I confirmed the details and locations of 250 cetacean stranding events during the period of October 1996 to April 2005, and approached the following factors:coastal zone, seasonal monsoon, lunar cycle, and weather harshness(cold air mass and typhoon). The results indicated that the stranding rate was significantly correlated with coastal zones, but not significantly with other temporal as well as weather factors. Sranding events clumped most at the northeast coast from Tou-Cheng to Bei-Fang-Aou, and next along north coast, and this might be relevant to the sea current and submarine topography. Besides, the proportion of dead or live strandings interacted significantly with seasons, more dead strandings in NE monsoon seasons than in SW monsoon seasons. It may be related with the impact on cetacean physical condition by bad sea condition. In addition, the interaction between spatial and temporal factors existed obviously, i.e. strandings distruibuted more or less even among whole coastal zones during SW monsoon seasons, but accumulated much more at southwest Taiwan during NE monsoon seasons. Mutual effects from wind direction and ocean current could be the causes of unequal distribution of stranding site between two monsoon periods.


stranding spatiotemporal pattern cetacean species


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