  • 學位論文


The Business Development Strategy of Taiwanese Electronics Company: A Case Study of LEI

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


台灣資通訊電子廠商歴經快速成長二十年餘後,許多中小型企業逐漸面臨成長動能不足且獲利衰退的困境。面對全球市場的高度動態,競爭環境的異常激烈,中小企業如何發展出競爭策略及管理機制,使其成為台灣的中堅企業甚至是「隱形冠軍(Hidden Champions)」乃是刻不容緩之議題。 本論文研究目的為探討上述中小企業產品發展策略及管理機制。本研究採用個案分析方式,透過五力分析模型找出其競爭關鍵因素,再根據個案企業之資源與能力作出比較分析,並提出競爭及發展策略之建議。 本研究結果發現個案公司四大產品線分別採用集中成本領導或差異化競爭策略,積極取得利基型市場BCG 矩陣之Star或Cash Cow的產品定位。期望未來五年能帶來業績與獲利的持續成長。 在建構多維度的管理機制方面,個案公司首重產品研發管理,並透過投資手段取得先進技術以發展設計平台;個案公司亦在業務行銷管理構面上,依地區業務型態建立直接客戶服務團隊或經由代理商開發的小而美市場;在製造生產管理構面上,透過自動化製程改善與精益生產,管控料工費之銷貨成本;最後在後勤支援管理方面,建置市場情報系統,產出有效管理報表,建構人力資源管理系統,強化供應鏈管理,降低品質失敗成本。 對於未來的發展,本研究提出以下建議: 1、產品發展建議:運用四大產品線之技術和產品,發揮綜效,讓元件、零組件以及系統應用的整合技術,創造公司更強競爭力,帶來公司更高效益。 2、競爭策略建議:選用優質的代理商,加速訂單取得。亦或併構客戶供應商迅速取得合格定位和商業關係的轉移,加速推動營收成長。 3、管理機制建議: 建立市場情報系統,持續透過學術研究機構的敎授顧問方式,快速培訓企業市場行銷專員和產業分析師,提供企業經營的決策方向,建立永續發展的指引方針。


ICT companies had been growing rapidly in the past twenty years in Taiwan and many of small and medium-sized enterprises are starting to face the difficult situation of insufficient momentum and earning less profit than before gradually. How the small and medium sized enterprises develop competitive strategies and management system in order to confront the highly moving global market and even to become the "Hidden Champions" within such a competitive environment would be a meaningful and urgent topic. The purpose of the thesis is to research how to develop the product development strategies and management system of the small and medium-sized enterprises that are described in the paragraph above. The paper is concluded by a case study and the key success factors are learned by Porter Five Force Analysis method. A comparison in analyzing the resource and capabilities of the case studied is generated accordingly and ends up with up business strategies. The result of the research shows that there are four product lines in the case studied which are adopting the strategies of focused cost leadership or differentiation respectively to identify the product position in the niche market as "Star" or "Cash Cow" by BCG Matrix method. To grow profitable sales revenue sustainably in the next coming five years is expected. In establishing multiple business dimensions of the management system, product lines development comes as the first priority as well as to acquire design platforms with leading technology by investing both internally and externally. From Sales & Marketing perspective, the designated global sales teams are active to engage with tier one customers. The regional Sales Rep. or the distributors are appointed in order to serve the customers promptly and to discover and develop the small but beautiful markets more precisely. The recommendation to the Manufacturing Site is to control and lower the prime cost through Automation in manufacturing process and to improve or optimize the production operation. As for the supporting teams, building MI(Marketing Intelligence) system, producing effective metrics, establishing HR management system, strengthen Supply Chain management and lowering the cost over quality issues are the actions to be taken. Towards the development in the future, the recommendations made from the case study are as follows: 1. Product line strategies: Perform the technologies and products of the four product lines and to elaborate synergy among all. Integrate the technologies of system application, components and assemblies in order to create stronger competitiveness and then to bring the most benefit to the company. 2. Recommendation on competitive strategies: Select the qualified distributors to accelerate in getting orders. Merge with others to be quickly approved based on their available capability to step out in growing sales revenue. 3. Recommendation on management system: To provide the strategies from Corporate perspective and to guide the directions for growing the business by establishing MI(Marketing Intelligence) system and acquiring marketing specialist and industry analyst through consulting the Professors from outside academic organization.


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