  • 學位論文


Tissue culture of Aleurites montana

指導教授 : 王亞男


本研究以千年桐的未成熟、成熟種子,經過1%次氯酸鈉消毒10分鐘,置於MS培養基,在25℃光照16小時、光度28μEm-2s-1下,可100%發芽成無菌苗。將無菌苗之莖段切成0.5~1.0cm,置入MS添加4mg/l BA中4週,可誘得綠色癒合組織,再將其切取0.5cm3放入MS添加4mg/L BA與0.1mg/L IBA,光照16小時,8週後可誘得97%多芽體。   切取無菌苗之根,置於MS添加4mg/L BA,光照16小時,4週後,每一培殖體可誘導48.2個體胚;如繼代於同樣培養基,在相同培養下,可產生二次體胚;將體胚置於添加0.1mg/l IBA培養基中,可促進體胚成熟及轉換率。   另取2.0mg/l綠色硬實的癒合組織,置入含50ml液態培養基中,每7天以舊液:新液=1:5進行繼代,1個月後增殖為3.3mg/L ,且有細胞質濃密之細胞團出現。


千年桐 癒合組織 多芽體 體胚 懸浮培養


The Mature and non-mature seeds of Aleurites montana were used in this study, after arterialized with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 minutes. The seeds were cultured in MS culture medium, treated at 25℃ with a photoperiod of 16 hours and a light intensity of 28μEm-2s-1,which would result in 100% aseptic seedling. Cutting the stem of aseptic seedling into a length of 0.5~1.0 cm, cultured the samples in MS culture medium with 4mg/IBA for 4 weeks, which could induce the green callus, then taking 0.5cm3 sample from the green callus, cultured the sample in MS culture medium with 4mg/IBA, treated with a photoperiod of 16 hours, which could induce 97% multi-buds after 8 weeks. Cutting roots from the aseptic seedlings, the roots were cultured in MS culture medium with 4mg/IBA, treated with a photoperiod of 16 hours, after 4 weeks, each explants could induce 48.2 somatic embryos, if sub-cultured in the same culture medium and with the same treatment, which could produce secondary somatic embryo; putting somatic embryo in the culture medium with 0.1mg/IBA, which would promote the maturation of somatic embryo and conversion ratio. Taking 2.0mg/l green and tight callus, putting in 50ml liquid culture medium, in every 7 days, it was sub-cultured under the conditions of old liquid : new liquid = 1:5, which would increase to 3.3mg/l, and appear the formation of cell with dense cytoplasm.


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