  • 學位論文


Application of Origami Technology in Medical Device

指導教授 : 蕭浩明




In recent years, the use of origami manufacturing methods has gradually become a popular manufacturing method in engineering manufacturing, but at present it has not been used excessively in medical device. The application of origami technology can not only reduce the trauma during surgery, accelerate the recovery of patients' wounds, shorten recovery time, improve efficiency, but more importantly, reduce medical costs. The idea of using origami to propose medical device will become the future trend of developing medical device. Today, liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world, and the death toll is even ranked third among all cancers. One of the treatments for liver cancer is to use the embolized hepatic artery to block the blood flow to the cancer cells. The most common cause of vertebral compression fractures is osteoporosis. Bone mineral density and strength in the vertebrae are reduced, causing internal fractures of the spine under mild violence and a high degree of decline. The incidence of vertebral compression fractures caused by osteoporosis is high, and it is mainly seen in older women as aging increases year by year. The purpose of this study was to propose the design of medical devices for the treatment of liver cancer and spinal compression fractures by means of origami manufacturing, and to simulate the three-dimensional model structure through software. The manufacture is carried out using a nickel-titanium alloy sheet having shape memory characteristics. For the embolization structure of liver cancer, the heat treatment was used to determine the blocking rate. For the scaffold structure for the treatment of compression fractures, the finite element analysis was carried out first, and the force at the time of compression was measured through experiments. Since the two medical devices are currently in the design test phase, their size is different from the actual size, but the designed device can meet the functions to be achieved by the treatment.


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