  • 學位論文


Business Strategy of Advanced Semiconductor Packaging and Testing Industry-Taking Advanced Semiconductor Engineering as example

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 陳忠仁(Chung-Jen Chen)


自2015年8月21日日月光半導體製造股份有限公司宣布公開收購矽品精密工業股份有限公司開始,歷經近三年的風波周折,兩者於2018年4月30日正式結合,結合形式為日月光半導體與矽品精密共同籌組『日月光投資控股股份有限公司』。日月光半導體與矽品精密之合併案,標誌著全球半導體封測產業之巨大轉變。值此時刻,筆者欲透過本研究,對台灣半導體封裝測試產業至今為止之發展進行探索與了解;並透過分析日月光半導體自成立至今之發展脈絡,勾勒出半導體封裝測試產業之產業特性、關鍵因素與所面臨之威脅與挑戰。本研究係以『個案研究法』作為基礎,透過訪談日月光半導體與環隆電氣(環旭電子)之高階管理階層人員以取得初級資料,並以各該公司之財務與非財務報導、學術期刊與報章雜誌之相關報導作為次級資料,進行相互驗證與補充。 本研究於各章節中,先個別就半導體封裝測試產業之產業鏈與市場概況、半導體封裝技術之發展進程與特性、個案公司日月光半導體所擁有之資源與能力、事業組合及其競爭策略進行資料搜集與分析,再分別以五力分析模型解釋半導體封裝測試產業之競爭特性與歸納其產業關鍵因素;利用競爭優勢模型與BCG矩陣闡釋日月光半導體各事業組合於相關產業中之競爭位置。另外,本研究亦嘗試整理初級與次級資料,藉以分析說明日月光半導體與矽品精密購併案背後所蘊涵之策略思考與綜效。


Since Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Co. Ltd. (ASE) has announced the decision to take over Siliconware Precision Industries by tender offer at August 8, 2015, both companies has done lots of effort dealing with the merger case. After almost three years, both companies has achieved the consensus and merged into ASE Holding Company since April 30, 2018. Through the study, researcher aims to clarify the characteristics and key success factors of such industry, to induce the risks and threats that the players in such industry may encounter, and to describe the developing process of Semiconductor Packaging technology. The study is based on “case study method”, using “Five Forces Analysis Model”, “Competitive advantage Model”, “BCG Matrix” to analyze the data and information which gathers by interviewing the management team of ASE and Universal Scientific Industrial(USI) and other sources. Through the analysis above, the researcher will offer conclusions and suggestions. Besides, as the merger case mentioned above has done enormous influence to the whole Semiconductor Packaging and Testing Industry, the study also attempted analyzing and explaining the strategies and synergies behind the merger case.


1. 中華人民共和國工業及信息化部網頁。檢自http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146295/n1652858/n1652930/n3757021/c3758335/content.html (Feb. 10,2019)
2. 日月光半導體製造股份有限公司歷年各季度法人說明會資料。
3. 日月光半導體製造股份有限公司歷年股東會年度報告。
4. 日月光投資控股股份有限公司2018年股東會年度報告。
