  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Structural Functions of Chicken Coop and Management Operating Environment

指導教授 : 侯文祥


2018年台灣肉雞產業之產值高達約441億元,其中,肉雞產業需求高。欲飼養出健康的雞隻,要做好飼養管理,其與肉雞舍構造機能有很大關係。然而,台灣養雞方面研究,偏重於品種改良、雞舍設備升級、飼料、疾病防治等方面,對雞舍構造機能與管理作業之關係未曾有研究,故在建造雞舍時難免造成資金浪費,且未必能發揮飼養管理之最大效率。 本研究選定譽為台灣土雞專家之立瑞畜產有限公司,於台灣夏季(六月至九月)與冬季(十一月至二月)進行調查。內容包括兩部分,一為調查不同構造且飼養七週以上雞齡之開放式、半密閉負壓式及全密閉負壓式紅羽土雞雞舍的構造型式與設備和粉塵濃度之關係,另一為調查雞舍內工作人員的一日管理作業時間(分/人.日.萬羽)及動線(公尺/人.日.萬羽),包括①巡雞作業②舍內整備作業③護理保定作業④其他等四種主要作業,探討不同雞舍構造機能與作業管理關係。研究結果顯示,雞舍構造及設備,明顯影響作業管理人員之工時及勞動力。全密閉負壓式雞舍,不論在夏季或冬季,四項主要作業中皆為最省時及省力之雞舍,故若未來在建構雞舍時,可參考全密閉式之構造與設備進行設計規劃。至於,雞舍內部有自動化環控系統之設備,可較其他雞舍減少約43分/人.日.萬羽 的整備作業時間,明顯減輕作業人員之工時及勞動程度,為有效設備,建議作為未來改建或新建之土雞舍時可納入規劃使用。然而,透過粉塵濃度調查結果發現,開啟抽風扇並搭配噴霧沉降之雞舍,雞舍外部粉塵濃度低於內部約 2.4~5µg/m³,且消減率可達11%,得知此構造有效於沉降粉塵量,且可避免雞舍內部粉塵直接擴散至雞舍外部。


In 2018, the annual market value of Taiwan broiler industry is about 4.11billion NTD. The demand for broiler chicken is high. To raise a healthy chicken, we need good feeding and management, which highly related to broiler house structural functions. However, the study of raising chicken in Taiwan focused on variety improvement, upgrade of chicken coop equipment and feed, disease prevention and control, etc. The relationship between the structure of chicken coop and management operations has not been studied, so the construction of chicken coop will inevitably cause waste of funds and may counteract breeding management work. This study selected Leadray Livestock Co., Ltd. at Yunlin, Taiwan, as subject to conduct investigations during summer (June to September) and winter(November to February). This research includes two parts. First part is to investigate the relationship between the structure designs, equipment and dust concentration of open type, semi-closed negative pressure type and fully closed negative pressure red feather chicken coop, which housed chicken aged more than seven weeks. The other part is to investigate staff’s daily management task including coops patrolling, preparation and equipment maintenance, health and environment management, and others, exploring the relationship among each in different coops. The results indicate that the structure and equipment of chicken coop obviously affect the working hours and labor force of operation management. Fully closed negative pressure chicken coop, is the most time-saving and labor saving one, regardless the seasons. So, in the future construction of new coops, full-closed structure should be consider as a primary option. As for the chicken house with automatic control system inside the chicken house, it can reduce the preparation and equipment maintenance time of about 43 minutes compared to other chicken houses, and obviously reduce the working hours and labor level. So, such equipment is highly recommended in future design. However, through the dust concentration survey results, we can found that the coops with exhaust fans and water spray can reduce the outdoor dust concentration by 2.4~5 µg/m³. The reduction rate is even up to 11%.The exhaust fans is effective in preventing the dust inside the coop to spread in surrounding area directly.


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