  • 學位論文


Effectiveness and It’s Correlated Factors of Using Assistive Technology at Homes: Examples of Wheeled Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 毛慧芬


本研究以國內居家使用輪椅類輔具者為例,探討輔具使用的成效,包括輔具使用頻率、失能者自覺功能改變、對輔具本身與輔具服務的滿意程度等,並分析此三項輔具使用成效指標之相關性,另進一步探討與國內輔具使用成效相關之因素。本研究為方便取樣的橫斷性研究,樣本數共39人。輔具使用成效與相關因素依自行設計之的「輔具成效評估問卷」,以面談訪問方式評量。 使用成效結果顯示使用頻率方面,38.5%受訪者(n=15)每天使用,幾乎不用者佔15.4%(n=6);輔具整體滿意度方面,超過八成受訪者表示非常滿意或滿意。個案自覺功能變好者超過六成,其中「室內外活動機會」增多者更高達九成。三項成效指標之相關結果顯示「自覺功能改變」與「使用頻率」、「輔具整體滿意度」有統計上顯著相關(p≦0.05),但「使用頻率」與「輔具整體滿意度」無顯著相關。而與成效指標相關因素之分析結果顯示:「說明輔具使用方法的方式」與三成效指標皆顯著相關;「是否有醫療人員提供說明」、「申請輔具管道」則與自覺功能改變和整體滿意度二成效指標有顯著相關。 本研究驗證國內輪椅類輔具可增進失能者功能獨立性、減少照顧負擔,且個案對輔具及服務有高滿意度;雖然「自覺功能改變」和其餘二個成效指標顯著相關,但失能者使用頻率,和主觀滿意度兩指標彼此沒有顯著相關,故不同輔具成效指標可能代表不同評量意涵。未來為增進輔具使用成效,於輔具服務過程中,應重視輔具專業服務,並提供輔具使用方法之說明與示範。


失能 成效 輔具 輪椅類輔具


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the assistive technology (AT) focusing in the wheeled mobile devices in Taiwan. The indicators of effectiveness for AT use included the frequency of use AT, the functional changes perceived by the disabled persons themselves, and the satisfaction levels for the AT devices and related services. This study further analyzed the correlations of above three indicators of AT effectiveness. In order to find out what factors might relate to the effectiveness of AT, factors based on Matching Person and Technology (MPT) Model were selected and the correlation was examined with each indicator of the AT effectiveness. The study was cross-sectional designed. Thirty-nine disabled persons participated in this study. A self-designed questionnaire was used to measure the AT effectiveness and related factors by an interview method. The results indicated that 38.5% participants (n=15) use the devices everyday, and 15.4% (n=6) participants almost do not use. More than 80% participants felt very satisfied or satisfied for the AT. More than 60% participants felt their functions improved, especially over 90% participants felt they increased opportunities to participate indoor or outdoor activities. The results of the correlations among three indicators of AT effectiveness showed the functional changes significantly related to the use frequency and level of satisfaction (p≦0.05), but the use frequency and satisfaction did not correlate significantly to each other. Three indicators of effectiveness all significantly related to one variable — “the methods to explain how to use the device”. And the functional changes and level of satisfaction significantly related to “services from the professional personnel”, or ”service delivery systems”. In conclusion, the wheeled mobile devices indeed could improve independent function and decrease carer burdens for the disabled persons in the domestic area. Almost all participants were with high level of satisfaction for AT devices and services. Although the functional changes significantly related to other two indicators of effectiveness, the use frequency did not correlate to the subjective satisfaction. This result implicated the different indicators might represent different meanings in AT effectiveness measure. In addition, to improve the AT effectiveness, it was suggested to focus on the process of providing professional services and explaining the method of AT use to the disable persons.


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