  • 學位論文


The Impact of Information Technology on Supply Chain Relationship Management: An SME-based Analysis

指導教授 : 陳文賢


跨組織資訊系統(Inter-Organizational Systems, IOSs)早已被視為協助企業邁向下一代供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM)模式的利器。輔以既有策略的共構或結合,跨組織資訊系統將可協助企業解決供應鏈所遭遇的問題,並改善夥伴關係。相關的宣告在近幾年間,更在許多領導企業的身上獲得證實。 然基於下述原因,吾人對這種觀點之概化有所質疑。首先,基於中小企業(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, SMEs)所受的資源與力量限制,此一觀點未必適用於其身上。其次,基於資訊科技(Information Technology, IT)本質中立的論調,吾人深信即便企業未採行跨組織資訊系統,資訊科技亦對供應鏈夥伴關係管理能有所貢獻。 為了驗證上述的質疑,吾人從中小企業觀點探討資訊科技對夥伴關係管理的影響。本論文採個案研究法,針對四組供應鏈中的八家中小企業進行研究。本研究首先基於文獻建立一以跨組織資訊系統為核心的模型,並用個案資料進行檢測。其次,鑑於該模型無法有效解釋個案資料,吾人便進一步建構以中小企業為宗的模型,試圖更適切地描繪在中小企業情境下,資訊科技、企業策略、所處情境,以及夥伴關係間的關連。第三,依資料分析結果,吾人提出資訊科技對供應鏈夥伴關係管理的三階影響,並提出在中小企業情境下,資訊科技在夥伴關係管理上所扮演的角色與價值之命題與相關建議。 吾人發現,對中小企業而言,資訊科技對供應鏈夥伴關係管理的影響層面係多元且複雜。首先,跨組織資訊系統對夥伴關係產生的影響端視情境而有異;不當的使用可能造成負面影響。其次,跨組織資訊系統並非達成科技促成之夥伴關係管理的主要途徑;相反地,中小企業偏好科技的二階影響模式,意謂資訊科技所產生的影響,未如預期般地深遠且直接。第三,在供應鏈的情境下,資訊科技本身仍為中立,它仍扮演實現企業策略與達成預期夥伴關係的載具。


Inter-organizational systems (IOSs) have long been regarded as powerful mechanisms that facilitate next-generation supply chain management (SCM). When aligned with business strategies, IOSs help firms resolve problems of supply chain (SC) operations, thus resulting in improved SC relationships. This claim has been successfully realized by many focal companies in many sectors. However, we argue against the generalizability of this claim for the following reasons. (1) IOS-based SC relationship management may be not applied by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), because of their limited power and resource. (2) Due to the nature of IT, we believe that IT may benefit companies managing SC relationships, even without the use of IOSs. This dissertation explores the roles of IT from an SME perspective. Eight SMEs within four SCs are investigated using a detailed case study approach. In validating the IOS-based viewpoint in terms of SC relationship management, we build an IOS-based model based on a literature review, and test it against our case data. In recognizing the poor explanatory power of this model, this dissertation then develops a model that shows how SMEs link strategies, IT, contexts, and SC relationships. An in-depth analysis helps identify three orders of IT effects. Each is further discussed and explored. Finally, based on the findings, propositions about the value and the role of IT on SC relationship management are made; relevant suggestions and implications are also stated. Results indicate that from an SME perspective, the impact of IT, as well as the influence paths of IT on SC relationship management are complex, diverse, and multi-dimensional. First, with regard to IOS-based scenarios, the impact of IOSs on SC relationships is seriously influenced by a number of antecedents that may cause IOSs to result in negative effects on SC relationships in some cases. Second, IOSs are not the only route available for improving SC relationships for SMEs. In contrast, the popularity of the second order IT effects implies that, IT may not bring as much direct influence on SC relationship management as expected. Finally, IT by nature is neutral, and can be still regarded as an enabler for realizing desired SC relationships and business strategies in the SC context.


