  • 學位論文


The Effect of IT Capability on the Resource-Based view and e-business to Supply Chain Performance

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,產業發展趨向全球化、數位化與知識化的嶄新局面,這些變化不斷的挑戰既有的管理哲學。過去企業採用資訊科技提升作業效率,但現在由於網際網路技術的成熟,它已被應用到企業內資訊系統的整合與商業行為管理上,發展企業e化(e-business) 已成為企業生存的重要考量。企業e化的發展,無疑地將加速更多全球供應鏈的發展,尤其建構企業對企業間的電子化,可以大幅提升供應鏈反應及資訊流通的速度與效率,進而促進供應鏈的有效管理,並降低庫存的風險與壓力。 然而e化企業的競爭優勢是否能提昇,必須考量許多關鍵因素。e化是資訊科技的應用,因此公司是否具有一個有競爭力的資訊科技架構對公司e化的推動是非常重要的,亦即當公司在推動e化從事企業營運模式與營運流程時,必須要能與公司現存的資訊系統相互整合,才能使企業有能力在e時代掌握企業的競爭優勢。 所以本文以資源基礎理論為基礎來測定企業的資訊科技能力;探討企業製造商在不同資訊科技能力、組織產業特性下,企業e化策略目的對 e化應用程度之影響以及e化應用程度對供應鏈績效、財務績效之影響。本文抽樣調查台灣1000大企業及參加A.B計劃之廠商對企業e化、資訊科技能力及供應鏈績效之認知。從研究結果發現,在不同產業特業下(高科技產業、傳統製造業及外商電子業),企業e化的策略目的會影響企業推動e化的應用程度;且在資訊科技能力程度高之下,e化應用程度對供應鏈績效表現的強度較大;但是e化應用程度對財務績效並沒有顯著關係。公司在推動e化從事企業營運模式與營運流程時,必須要能與公司現有的資訊系統相互整合,因此,不論是在何種產業下,當公司的資訊科技能力愈高時,將愈能有效整合相關的e化系統模組以改善供應鏈績效。且本研究發現傳統產業由於也著手投入e化且因其產業特性下,當e化程度愈高時,會比其他產業更有效地提昇供應鏈的績效。此外,e化的推動,需投注龐大的金額,在時間落差及成本效益考量下,短期間會有助於作業營運績效改善,而e化的推動須在長期持續改善且能提高顧客價值下才能進一步提昇財務績效。


Under the knowledge-based economy coming, industries have the tendency to be global, digital and knowledgeable, and such trend will challenge the existing management philosophy. In the past, firms adopted information technology to enhance their operational efficiency. Because of the maturity of Internet technologies into the business information system and operational flow at present, the deployment of e-business has become important issues for the firms. The development of e-business undoubtedly strengthen supply chain management linkages, improve the flow of information, reduce inventory cost, especially B to B e-business. There are many key success factors involved in the development of e-business. E-business in an application of IT. With a competitive IT system is very important to deploy e-business for the firms. When companies can incorporate the e-business application into their information system and business operational activities, they are able to have the benefits of e-business and improve performance. The purpose of this paper is to examine IT capability on the resource-based view and the relationship between e-business strategy, e-business application, supply chain performance and financial performance among different IT capability and industries. We use questionnaire to survey data from 1000 Taiwan manufacturing companies and participation AB plan companies divided into High-Tech, Traditional, and Foreign High-Tech industries. The empirical findings are: (1) e-business strategy has significant effect on e-business application for all industries; (2)e-business application has more significant effect on supply chain performance for high IT capability among all industries; (3)e-business application has no effect on financial performance. This result showed that all industries need enhanced alignment between their existing IT system and e-business application to reap the benefits of e-business and improve SCM performance. However, our analysis showed that high e-business application tends to be associated with the increased SCM performance for traditional manufacturing companies. The deployment of e-business needs to have huge investment, when the achievement of e-business excellence will lead to improved financial performance in the long-term.


1.Aberdeen Group,”E-Procurement: Finally ready for prime time, ”Market Viewpoint, 14(2),2001,p1-12.
2.Anitesh Barua; Prabhudev Konana; Andrew B Whinston and Fang Yin, ”Driving E-business excellence,” MIT Sloan Management Review,43,1,Fall,2001,p36-44.
