  • 學位論文


Taiwan 3G Mobile Phone Industry Devlopment Strategy on The Global Competition

指導教授 : 吳青松教授


摘 要 隨著通訊科技的進步,與全球資訊化潮流的迅速發展,通訊產業也將是廿一世紀成長最快的產業。過去電信業者和手機業者總為了3G發展遲滯互推責任,電信業者不願貿然大力推行3G,3G用戶數量自然偏少;手機業者眼見3G用戶量少,生產3G手機的意願自然更加低落。不過在今年的CeBIT上,包括Motorola、Samsung、SonyEricsson、LG、Panasonic、NEC等手機業者都展出了新款的3G手機;而Nokia和Vodafone也不計前嫌地達成了3G手機的合作共識。預計從2004年下半年起,受到歐洲電信業者正式開通3G服務的影響,3G手機生產數量將有明顯提升。 對台灣業者而言,3G手機無疑是另一個切入手機市場的新武器。為了在3G手機的新戰場獲得先機,目前台灣業者華碩、明基都已具體投入3G的生產行列。但台灣手機廠商在面對國際的強大競爭,如何在3G產業佔有一席之地,必須對手機產業進行有系統的研究及策略規劃。本研究利用Michael E. Porter的分析模式,包括「價值鏈」、「五力模型」及「鑽石模型」等,輔以技術發展的一般性策略分析,分析全球手機產業目前的競爭型態、台灣目前在手機製造的產業現況及優劣,據以規劃台灣手機產業未來之策略建議如下: 1. 面對行動電話快速成長,我國業者應定位為ODM並快速擴張版圖 2. 快速提昇產品研發設計能力,並與晶片業者策略聯盟 3. 面對未來多媒體的挑戰,積極投入相關應用軟體之開發 4. 面對未來手機輕薄短小的需求,應積極培養機構人才 5. 對於中國市場,應與中國系統商合作,形成分工與互補


通訊產業 3G 手機產業 策略分析


Abstract Based on the strategic analysis model, this study presents the competitive strategy of Taiwan’s mobile phone industry. Through the innovation of technology & mature of global IT environment, mobile industry become the fastest growth industry in 21th century. In the past, 3G can’t be popular due to the lack of responsibility of mobile manufacture & carrier. Because of that, carrier won’t develop 3G net work. Therefore, the subscriber of 3G can’t grow up very fast and mobile manufacture won’t invest in 3G mobile phone business. Things have been changed in CeBIT this year. Most of major players like Motorola、Samsung、SonyEricsson、LG、Panasonic、NEC introduce 3G phones in CeBIT. Furthermore, Nokia & Vodafone also agree to co-develop 3G phones. With the launch of 3G service in Europe, 3G phone will increase from 2nd half 2004. Question arises whether Taiwan would be able to sustain the leading position in 3G mobile industry. Through Michael E. Porter’s key success factors & SWOT analysis, this research has developed Taiwan’s competitive strategies as below: 1. Define the role as ODM & expand the market share 2. Enforce design-in & manufacture capability associated w/ IC provider 3. Invest in related software development including MMS. Multimedia… 4. Enforce the mechanical capability to meet 3G variable requirements 5. Align with China system provider to penetrate China market firm ling in an inferior position.


Mobile Industry Strategic analysis 3G


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