  • 學位論文


A study on the Correlation Between the Level of Satisfaction Men Have With Their Body Image and the Intensity of the Adonis Complex They have

指導教授 : 彭文正


「外套脫掉,上衣脫掉……,通通脫掉 脫掉,脫﹗脫﹗脫﹗」,這是2004年台灣流行歌壇最轟動、最有噱頭、也最具爭議性的MV─「刺」,港星杜德偉在MV中大演脫衣秀,高唱脫掉一切,袒胸露背展現真實自我。這個MV再度告訴我們一個事實,音樂商品已經不只是音樂,要滿足消費者的需求,除了賣「歌」,「身體意象」的消費,更成為搶攻音樂版圖最有力的賣點。在杜德偉的MV中,他那肌肉線條明顯的身體意象,隨著一次次的放映深植人心,本研究關切的是,媒體偶像文化不斷再現的「肌肉」猛男訊息,是否就是男性認同的身體意象?而男性對自我身體意象的滿意度,又受到哪些因素的影響?其與猛男情結的關聯性又如何? 本研究以健身房男性會員為調查母群,以分層抽樣方式選取亞歷山大健身俱樂部六家分部,發放1100份問卷。 結果顯示:(1)男性會員對整體身體意象是趨向滿意的,但從身體各部位滿意度來看,男性會員在肌肉品質及腹部的不滿意度都超過五成,可見他們努力健身的目標,就是要打造健美的肌肉。(2)不論胖瘦或是否達到健美的標準,有高達98.6%的男性會員,其最希望擁有的身體圖形,一定要有肌肉,而且有將近四成的會員最希望擁有的身體圖形就是「肌肉結實身材健美」,可見其對肌肉猛男的高度認同。(3)男性希望擁有的身體圖形越健美,其身體意象滿意度越高,在其潛意識中認為自己已達到這樣的健美身材,所以身體滿意度升高,或是其最希望擁有的身體圖形,是可以達到的目標,因此在其努力健身身材越來越健美的過程中,身體滿意度也會越來越高。(4)不夠健美的身體外表對生活的影響越嚴重,改善身體形象之行為更積極,說明為了減輕身體外表對生活造成的種種困擾,就會積極從事各類改善身體行為,讓身體形象更好。(5)年齡越小,越相信越認同媒體形塑的猛男形象,顯示年紀越輕越容易受媒體再現的影響。 關鍵詞:猛男情結、身體意象、身體意象滿意度、健身、媒體再現、自我知覺


“Take off your jacket, take off your shirt…..Take everything off, take it off, take it off!” Taken from one of the most popular and controversial Chinese-language songs in Taiwan in 2004, these lyrics encourage listeners to shake off all their burdens and restrictions, and reveal their true colors. In the song’s MV “Thorn”, Hong Kong singer Du De-wei gave a heated performance of singing and stripping, showing off both his voice and his body. This MV points to one fact, that musical products are much more than just music. Aside from the song, body image has become the hottest commodity of music industry. Du’s muscular body image, through repeated showings on TV, was imprinted on the audience’s mind. In this study, I set out to ask these questions: Is the body image that men identify themselves with the same with the hunks crowding the popular culture? What are the factors that affect a man’s level of satisfaction with his own body image? And how is this level of satisfaction related to Adonis complex? To answer the questions, I handed out 1,100 questionnaires to members of six different Alexander Gyms, and here are the results that I have found out. 1) In general, male members are satisfied with their body image. However, when it comes to the specifics, most men who answered the questionnaires are not satisfied with their muscle tone, nor are they with the muscles in their torso area. Hence their main objective for going to the gym is indeed to build a fit and muscular body. 2) As many as 98.6% of the male respondents said that the ideal body shape they wished to achieve has to be muscular, and more than 40% of them said that the body shape they would most like to have is like Mr. Olympia’s. This shows how much they identify with the body image of those muscular hunks. 3) There is a clear correlation between the level of satisfaction men have with their own body image and how high they regard the muscular hunks. The more earnestly they hope to achieve a fit and muscular body, the higher their satisfaction is with their own body image. Subconsciously these men believe they have already achieved such an ideal body shape, so they become satisfied with their body image. They also believe that a fit and muscular body is an achievable objective, therefore the more they work out, the closer they will get to it. 4) The more an imperfect body shape affects his daily life, the more aggressive the man is in his actions to change it. In other words, a man is willing to take concrete steps to improve his body image in order to alleviate the troubles caused by his appearance. 5) The younger a man is, the more he identifies with the body image built by the mass media, showing a correlation between age and inclination to be influenced by the media representing of an ideal body shape. Keyword: Adonis Complex, Body image, Body image satisfaction, Self-perception, Body-building, Media representing.


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