  • 學位論文


Vertical & Horizontal Restraints facing Foreign Corporations:Analysis based on Taiwan Fair Trade Law

指導教授 : 趙義隆


在現今社會中,大多數民生或生活中的相關用品,其技術多已達到成熟之階段,在缺乏創新技術以及產品差異化程度越來越小的情況下,本土企業甚至外國廠商為了能夠在高度競爭環境中生存,必須藉由策略規劃發展出其獨特的競爭優勢,而從產品的行銷通路中找出或建立其優勢,便是常見的策略. 當企業藉由通路策略的規劃來建立並維持競爭優勢時,勢必考量其本身之特性、公司政策、產品特性、市場特性等因素以進行決策.故在不同產業,甚至相同產業中的不同企業也會採取不同的通路策略,這些策略往往會有限制其通路下線的價格或非價格的交易行為,因此其策略是否有違反台灣公平交易法,實為有其研究之必要. 事業間關於營業競爭或營業自由之限制,通常可分為水平的交易限制以及垂直的交易限制兩種型態,前者是處於相同市場階層之事業,因其相同之目的而採行一致行動以取得或運用市場力量者,後者則為無競爭關係之複數事業間,在製造商至經銷商至消費者流通過程中,由製造商對經銷商,在商品售價、進貨管道、銷售品牌、區域、顧客等事項施以交易條件限制之行為. 台灣公平交易法對聯合與垂直限制之規定,在不同的條文之中,聯合之規定及定義在公平交易法的第七條與第十四條,且明文規定聯合行為以事業在同一產銷階段為限,而垂直性限制之規定則於交易法第十八條及第十九條之中.垂直交易限制型態又可分為垂直之價格限制與垂直之非價格限制,前者即轉售價格之限制,後者依限制內容不同可劃分為「獨家交易」、「搭售」、「地域限制」、「顧客限制」等不同類型.本研究將深入探討條文定義以及現今競爭態勢適用程度與既有個案分析等建議公平交易法未來所做調整與沿用.


In the world today most living necessities and consumer products manufacturers have come to face fierce competition. Particularly the case of ever decreasing product differentiation and lack of innovative technology advancement, local entrepreneurs and foreign corporations reply heavily on strategic planning to evolve or flourish its distinct competitive advantage to survive in this highly competitive environment. Marketing strategy such as logistic and channel distribution is most commonly adapted in the world. Corporations have to evaluate its product characteristics, corporate policy, marketing strategy to formulate marketing strategy, and different companies on the value chain serve or compete differently with its own kind. These strategy formulations have drastic impact on price or non price competition, which may or may not violate Taiwan Fair Trade Law, is certainly in need for further research and study. Taiwan Fair Trade Law had clearly defined and regulated concerted acts under Article 7 and Article 14 and vertical restriction under Article 18 and 19. Vertical restriction can also be categorized into vertical price restriction and vertical non-price restriction with the former restriction affects resale price maintenance and latter one influences “Exclusive dealing,” “Tying,” “Territorial Restriction,” “Customer Restriction,” etc. This research shall explore and examine the definition and distinction of each restraint and discuss the appropriateness of such regulation in present stage, further provide case illustration to recommend future adjustment and application of Fair Trade Law


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