  • 學位論文


Close to Paternal or Maternal Parents?Marital Power in the Relationship of Adult Children to Aging Parents and In-Laws

指導教授 : 蘇國賢


父母親與已婚子女之間的互動關係,如居住安排、往來頻率、經濟支持等,乃是過去家庭社會學研究的重要議題之一。過去相關於成人子女與父母代間關係的研究,較少將成人子女與配偶父母的關係納入考量範疇。擺在台灣的文化脈絡下,本研究主要從資源論(resource theory)的理論觀點衡量夫妻權力,比較不同型態的婚姻配對或雙方父母的相對地位,如何影響已婚子女與雙方父母的關係。本研究使用中研院華人家庭動態資料庫(Panel Study of Family Dynamics)的已婚樣本,以multinomial logit模型來進行實證分析。主要發現為:一、不同型態的婚姻配對導致夫妻權力的不同,的確會影響已婚子女與雙方父母的關係,但卻呈現性別上的差異。在女性樣本中,如果妻子的教育程度,職業地位高於丈夫,將有助於拉近妻子與原生父母的關係。但在男性樣本中,卻顯示較複雜的結果。二、男性樣本裡,除了比較夫妻的相對地位外,父母輩的權力關係亦會影響丈夫與雙方父母的往來。本文根據以上結果嘗試指出,在台灣的文化脈絡下,已婚子女與雙方父母的關係,除了受到夫妻的相對地位所影響外,父母輩的影響力也是值得考量的因素之一,此乃過去家庭社會學研究中較少涉及之處。結果也顯示,在探討成人子女與原生父母的代間關係時,的確有將配偶父母納入考量的必要。


The intergenerational relationship between parents and adult children, such as living arrangement, contact frequency, financial support, has been one of the major issues in the sociology of the family. Previous researches on this issue seldom consider the relationship between adult children and parents-in-law. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore how marital power influences the relationship between adult children and aging parents or in-laws based on Taiwanese society. Using a multinomial logit model, the study analyzes the samples of married respondents from the PSFD (Panel Study of Family Dynamics). Two main discoveries are as follows. First, the relationship between adult children and elderly parents or in-laws is indeed affected by different kinds of marriage power, but the results are different between male and female. For female respondents, if the wife’s education or occupational status is higher than the husband’s, the wife may close to her native parents. On the contrary, the result is more complicated for male respondents. Second, for male respondents, the status between parents and in-laws also influence the relationship between husbands and parents or in-laws. To sum up, this thesis demonstrates that in Taiwanese society not only marital power but also ascribed status determines the intergenerational relationship. Furthermore, it may be necessary to consider parents-in-law when we discuss the intergenerational relationship between adult children and parents.


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