  • 學位論文


The relationship between intergenerational supports and life satisfaction of elderly learners in Taipei city

指導教授 : 黃富順


本研究係以年滿55歲以上參與台北市社區大學及長青學苑所舉辦之課程的高齡學習者為對象,旨在瞭解高齡學習者代間支持與生活滿意度之關係,以助高齡者未來規劃自己的老年生活。本研究之研究目的有四: 1.瞭解高齡學習者代間支持之情形。 2.瞭解高齡學習者生活滿意度之情形。 3.探討影響高齡學習者代間支持與生活滿意度的個人背景變項。 4.分析高齡學習者代間支持與生活滿意度之關係。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以定額抽樣的方式取得樣本,共發出280份問卷,回收274份,有效問卷計有269份,佔全部問卷的96%。以「高齡學習者代間支持與生活滿意度調查問卷」作為研究調查工具,經統計分析後獲致五項結論: 1.高齡學習者對於代間支持的感受程度屬於中度偏高。 2.高齡學習者的生活滿意程度尚佳。 3.高齡學習者年齡及健康狀況與其所受代間支持相關。 4.高齡學習者的個人背景變項與其生活滿意度無關。 5.高齡學習者整體的代間支持與生活滿意度呈現低度正相關。 根據上述研究結論,本研究就對高齡者本身、對其成年子女及對未來研究提供建議如下: 1.對高齡者本身的建議 1-1養兒防老觀念式微,與成年子女的相處模式宜採正向溝通。 1-2藉由積極主動的參與學習活動,提升生活滿意度。 2.對成年子女的建議 2-1維持良好的代間互動關係,以增強高齡者正向的生活滿意度感受。 2-2成年子女宜成為高齡者參與學習活動的橋樑。 2.對未來研究之建議 3-1研究對象方面:建議擴大受試範圍,採用針對台北市全區之高齡者教育機構進行廣泛的資料蒐集及針對城鄉差異進行資料的蒐集。 3-2研究方法方面:建議修正抽樣及施測方式及在問卷中加入質性的訪談設計並輔以客觀的觀察。 3-3研究工具方面:建議有關題目的取捨應多謹慎思考,避免因題目過多而造成受試者在填答時的負荷。


The purposes of this study were to understand the relationship between intergenerational supports and life satisfaction of elderly learners in the Taipei community university and the elderly colleges, and will help the elderly adults’ future plan their old age life. There are four objects for the research: 1.Understand the elderly learners’ intergenerational supports situation. 2.Comprehend the elderly learners’ life satisfaction situation. 3.Explore the personal background variables which impact the intergenerational support and life satisfaction of elderly learners. 4.Analysis of intergenerational support and life satisfaction for elderly learners. The study used a questionnaire survey to collect the data. Total 280 questionnaires were distribute, 274 were recovered, with 269 valid questionnaires, The investigation is used with the “questionnaire of elderly learners’ intergenerational support and life satisfaction ". The data from the investigation is analyzed through statistic methods then finding out five conclusions: 1.The feelings of elderly learners’ intergenerational supports are moderately high. 2.Elderly learners’ life satisfaction with comparatively good. 3.Elderly learners’ age and health status affect the intergenerational support. 4.Elderly learners’ personal background variables had no significant impact on their life satisfaction. 5.Overall, elderly learners’ intergenerational supports and life satisfaction had low positive correlation. Based on the above findings, this study for the elderly themselves, their adult children and provide recommendations for future research are as follows: 1.Recommendations for the elderly themselves 1-1The concept of raising children to protect elderly life is changed. Interacted in positive communication with the adult children should be taken. 1-2By active participation in learning activities to enhance life satisfaction. 2.Recommendations for adult children 2-1The maintenance of good intergenerational interaction between elderly learners to enhance positive feelings of life satisfaction. 2-2Become a bridge for the elderly to participate in learning activities 3.Recommendations for future research 3-1Research objects: to expand the scope of the region's senior citizens of Taipei educational institutions and a wide range of data collection for urban-rural differences in data collection. 3-2Research methods: the questionnaire design should be joined qualitative interviews and supplemented by objective observation. 3-3Research tool: questionnaires trade-offs should be more carefully to avoid causing excessive load.


