  • 學位論文


The tolerance to heat and flooding stresses of Chinese kale

指導教授 : 曹幸之
共同指導教授 : 羅筱鳳(Hsiao-Feng Lo)


本試驗以芥藍‘黃花芥藍’、‘芥藍花’、‘芥藍苔’、‘白花大心芥藍’、‘翠寶芥藍’、‘黑芥藍’、‘西螺芥藍’和‘白格林’八個包括一般葉用、食用花苔主要品種供試。試驗於臺灣大學人工氣候室自然光照下進行,各品種先於常溫 (25/20℃) 下生長四週 (苗齡期),再給予常溫 (25/20℃) 下淹水、高溫 (35/30℃) 和高溫 (35/30℃) 下淹水三天逆境處理為逆境期,對照組仍在常溫 (25/20℃) 下生長;經過逆境處理後各品種不再淹水並回到常溫 (25/20℃) 生長三天為恢復期。逆境處理三天後第一次採樣,恢復生長三天後第二次採樣,調查植株的反應,評估植株生長級數 (Plant growth score)、植株鮮乾重 (Fresh and dry weight)、相對含水量 (Relative water content, RWC)、脯胺酸 (Proline) 含量、葉綠素含量 (Chlorophyll content)、丙二醛 (Malondialdehyde, MDA) 含量及電解質滲漏 (Electrolyte leakage) 率之變化,作為評估芥藍對高溫淹水逆境之生理反應參數,進一步作為對高溫淹水耐受性指標,比較這些檢測方法與各品種實際之逆境耐受性。結果上述七個生理參數中,植株鮮乾重、相對含水量和電解質滲漏率於逆境期或恢復期時,變化幅度小,品種間差異都不大,不易區分不同品種的耐受性,其他生理指標葉綠素和丙二醛含量於不同品種變化幅度相似,只有脯胺酸於逆境處理後都有大幅變化,且品種間差異很大,因此以脯胺酸含量作為植株於逆境下的生理指標,進行田間大量篩選試驗。經常溫 (25/20℃) 及淹水三天,‘西螺芥藍’的生理參數變化幅度較小,顯示比較耐淹水;而‘芥藍花’變化較大,顯示對淹水較敏感。高溫 (35/30℃) 下‘黑芥藍’及‘翠寶芥藍’葉片之細胞膜熱穩定性較高,且其他生理參數變化幅度較小,比較耐高溫逆境。經高溫 (35/30℃) 及淹水三天處理,‘翠寶芥藍’和‘西螺芥藍’各有一些生理參數變化幅度較小,而‘芥藍苔’ 生理參數大幅度變化,對高溫淹水逆境敏感。綜合多項性狀表現,八個芥藍品種中 ‘芥藍花’和‘芥藍苔’食用部位為柔嫩肉質花苔,適於秋冬季栽培,表現對高溫或淹水之耐受性較差;‘翠寶芥藍’、‘黑芥藍’和‘西螺芥藍’食用部位為嫩葉,一年四季可生產,對高溫或淹水逆境表現較佳耐受性。以常溫 (25/20℃) 下育苗四週之八個品種芥藍苗,進行膜系熱穩定性之比較,取葉圓片以 50℃ 熱處理 10 分鐘分析相對熱傷害值 (Relative injury, RI),最能區分品種間之細胞膜熱穩定性差異,以‘白花大心芥藍’、‘西螺芥藍’、‘翠寶芥藍’、‘黑芥藍’和‘芥藍花’ 相對熱傷害值介於 41.8 ~ 52.4 % ,其細胞膜對高溫逆境耐受性相對較高;‘黃花芥藍’和‘芥藍苔’次之,其 RI 值分別為 74.4 % 和 76.0 % ;‘白格林’ RI 值為 88.3 % ,表現膜系熱穩定性最低。各芥藍苗給予 35/30℃ 熱馴化 24 小時,‘白格林’相對熱傷害值降為 45.3 %,‘芥藍苔’降為 34.7 %,‘黑芥藍’和‘翠寶芥藍’等降為 13.9 % 或更低。經過熱馴化處理各品種 RI 值顯著低於其未馴化處理者。雖然熱馴化處理提升芥藍苗的耐熱性,品種間耐熱性的相對差異沒有因 35/30℃ 的馴化處理改變。田間試驗以 47 個芥藍品種於定植後 3 週 (採收期前) 給予淹水三天,除測量葉片脯胺酸含量,在恢復不淹水六天後,評估各品種的生長指標及存活率。對淹水較敏感的芥藍品種表現存活率較低且葉片脯胺酸含量增加幅度大,淹水耐受性較高的品種葉片脯胺酸含量增加幅度較小。葉片脯胺酸含量與植株存活率和對淹水的耐受性呈顯著負相關。以進行逆境生理反應的八個品種之芥藍種子,探討浸水 4 天對發芽率的影響是否可反應品種之耐淹水性,種子分別給予黑暗常溫 (25℃) 下浸水、高溫 (35℃) 和高溫 (35℃) 下浸水三種處理,再置於常溫 (25℃) 黑暗下發芽。經過浸水 4 天處理對種子活力的傷害比只有高溫不浸水處理大,其中‘翠寶芥藍’種子在三種逆境處理後,仍有高相對發芽率。‘翠寶芥藍’為一代雜交品種,種子活性高,植株對高溫和淹水逆境耐受性也表現較高。


Eight Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra) varieties (‘Yellow-flowered kai-lan’, ‘Kai-lan Flower’, ‘Kai-lan Tai’, ‘White-flowered Big- stemmed kai-lan’, one F1 variety, ‘Black-leaf kai-lan’, ‘Si-lo kai-lan’ and ‘White -gelin’) were used in the study, including ones for tender leaf use or for fleshy flower stalks. All varieties were grown in a phytotron with room temperature of 25/20℃ (day/night) for four weeks before being treated for 3 days of one of the three stresses, namely, flooding at room temperature (25/20℃), high temperature (35/30℃) only and flooding at 35/30℃ at National Taiwan University. Plants kept at 25/20℃ served as the control. All plants were given recovery at room temperature (25/20℃) for three days after stress treatment. Plants were sampled both after 3 days of stress and after three days of recovery to investigate the physiological responses including plant growth score, fresh and dry weight, relative water content, proline content, chlorophyll content, malondialdehyde (MDA) content and electrolyte leakage in order to evaluate varietal difference and the relevance of these physiological parameters to be used as a selection indicator in breeding program. The results showed that parameters of fresh and dry weight, relative water content and electrolyte leakage varied little or without consistent pattern and difficult to be as an indicator to distinguish varieties different in tolerance. Physiological parameters of chlorophyll content and MDA content showed similar variation among different varieties and proline content was the only parameter showed dramatic variation among varieties in response to stress treatments. Accordingly, proline was used as a criterion for further screening in the field. Variety ‘Si-lo kai-lan’ responded with little variation of various physiological parameters showing good tolerance to flooding at room temperature (25/20℃), whereas cv. ‘Kai-lan Flower’ had prominent changes showing sensitivity. In response to three days of high temperature (35/30℃) and the following 3 days of recovery, cv. ‘Black-leaf kai-lan’ and the F1 variety showed better heat tolerance than other varieties in terms of leaf cell membrane thermostability and small change of other physiological parameters. The F1 variety and ‘Si-lo kai-lan’ each with little variation of some physiological parameters showed the best tolerance to flooding at high temperature (35/30℃), while ‘Kai-lan Tai’ was sensitive to the stress. Based on all examined responses of eight Chinese kale varieties, cvs ‘Kai-lan Flower’ and ‘Kai-lan Tai’ grown for their fleshy flower stalks and suited in cool season showed sensitivity to heat and flooding, whereas cvs. ‘Black-leaf kai-lan’, ‘Si-lo kai-lan’ and the F1 variety all grown for their tender leaves year round showed better tolerance. All 8 varieties were grown at temperature of 25/20℃ (D/N) in a phytotron for four weeks before being sampled to test their membrane thermostability and the leaf discs were put in water bath of 50℃ for 10 minutes. The electrolyte leakage was measured by electrolyte conductivity meter. The relative injury (RI) of cv. ‘White-flower Big-stemmed kai-lan’ , cv.‘Si-lo kai-lan’, the F1 variety, cv. ‘Black-leaf kai-lan’ and cv. ‘Kai-lan Flower’ ranged between 41.8 % and 52.4 % indicating higher cell membrane thermostability. Varieties ‘Yellow-Flower kai-lan’ and ‘Kai-lan Tai’ followed with RI of 74.4 % and 76.0 %, respectively. Relative injury of ‘White-gelin’ had the highest RI of 88.31 % and the lowest cell membrane thermostability. The heat acclimation of 35/30℃ for 24 hours significantly reduced relative injury of all varieties, i.e. ‘White-gelin’ to 45.3 %, ‘Kai-lan Tai’ to 34.7 %, ‘Black-leaf kai-lan’ and F1 variety down to 13.9 % and 9.7 %, respectively. Although heat acclimation could improve heat tolerance of Chinese kale, same order of varieties in relative tolerance remained. Field experiment with 47 varieties was carried out at Agricultural Research Institute, all plants were waterlogged for 3 days after 3 weeks of transplanting to the farm and then drained to recover for 6 days. Prolin content of each variety was evaluated after flooding and plant growth score and survival rate were recorded after recovery. The results showed that varieties with lower survival rate had leaf proline content much increased and the tolerant varieties had prolin increase in small magnitude. The leaf proline content and plant growth score or survival rate was negatively correlated. The effect of seed immersion for four days on germination was studied on 8 varieties. Seeds were immersed at room temperature of 25℃ or at high temperature (35℃) or just pretreated at 35℃ for four days before germination at room temperature. Seeds viability was decreased after immersion treatment. The F1 variety still had high germination rate after three stress treatments in accord with its plant tolerance to high temperature and flooding.


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