  • 學位論文

誰近�禁女色? 戰後臺灣法律再現系統中之色情圖像

Mapping Pornography: Sexual Representation and Legal Regulation in Postwar Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳昭如


本論文於「再現觀點」、以及「女性主體觀點」與「主流觀點」辯證分析等問題意識下,並用量化統計與質化文本內容分析方法,透過法學與整體知識生產、立法者討論、大法官解釋中,有關「猥褻物品」(色情)及其刑事管制框架構築,不同主流論述與女性主體論述的對話、辯證,以及分析刑法第235 條散布猥褻物品罪司法判決量化統計與具體文本背後之性�別觀點,探究台灣戰後、特別是1990 年代以降「法律再現系統」,藉由對於作為「社會『性』敏感神經最強烈反映」的「色情」刑事管制認知,在既有社會權力關係結構之中,再現出斷裂又連續的「色情」、「性」、「性�別」真實,動態建構出和過去有所變或不變之「色情」圖像,並提示了抵抗既有性�別文化、顛覆權力關係之邊緣結盟積極策略。 台灣社會歷經1940、50 年代反共復興架構下「赤黃黑」文化清潔論述,1960 年代道德論述掛帥,1969 年刑法第235 條修正討論逐步浮現,1970 年代教化觀、國家安全利益思考與1980 年代醫學、科學、教育論述下,內涵逐漸具體之兒少保護、道德論述、正常�異常、凝視女體、管制邏輯相互建構的色情圖像。到了甫經歷解嚴的1990 年代,從整體知識生產,與嘗試透過「猥褻與藝術、醫學、教育區別」構築色情管制框架之1996年釋字第407 號,乃至1999 年集中於「處罰行為、客體」之刑法第235 條修正討論,及其表面上刪除年齡限制、但搭配要件放寬與提高法定刑之設計,皆彰顯出:於具體塑形之言論自由架構,科技濫用或回歸科技、禁制或管制之規範治理邏輯辯證,專家現身說法的教育、醫學論述之下,道德隱喻尚存的「兒少保護」,實與更加不容置疑之正常�異常、生殖目的、異性戀一夫一妻性�別預設等內涵,相互勾連。2000 年以後邁入新世紀的台灣社會,積極駕馭新興科技之樂觀氛圍,使逐步與「科技濫用」疑慮脫勾的「兒少保護」觀點,隨著兒少保護團體自其他社運團體寄身脫離後,逐漸取得不證自明的獨立正當性。然積極治理邏輯,勾連於兒少保護、文化高下、道德論述隱喻、既有性�別意涵,實形成更加普遍深入、具體細緻之色情管制。2006 年釋字第617 號,亦再度提示司法系統於日漸具體之自由權架構下,道德論述、正常�異常區辨與兒少保護觀點之勾連,更顯示其仍舊未竟之平等權、少數觀照以及尚存的異性戀性�別觀點。刑法第235條之官方統計,彰顯司法系統「正義之手」之色情圖像具體化,內部「輕刑化」與「嚴格化」拉鋸之規範邏輯辯證,在年輕化、專業性、高教育程度、家庭經濟狀況略佳之「普遍」圖像外,所存有的「貧窮化」角落,揭露表面的規範轉向,實質隱含的「邊緣」歧視。經由判決文本量化分析之嘗試,猥褻物品類型之形式變遷、不同性�別類型實質論證相關比例之差異變化,二號釋字前後判決論證之質化分析,具體建構出1990 年代以降整體司法系統之色情圖像:實質論證程度逐步增加、「平等權」觀照持續缺乏,日漸具體的「自由權」架構下、有增無減且相互勾連之道德論述、兒少保護、文化高下、正常�異常背後,凝視女體、「男主女客」設定、歧視「非異性戀」之異性戀觀點。 在主流建構之「色情」圖像下,肯認「女性主體性」、觀照「社會實存性�別權力關係」之女性主體的具體現聲,受害客體�能動主體之論辯,所面臨隱含其他「邊緣」歧視的主流異性戀父權觀點收編、反動之挑戰,以及女性主體觀點嘗試觀照兒少、女性及其他邊緣群體之情慾主體能動性與歧視現實動態建構過程;欠缺平等權觀點之釋字第407 號,對於「女體凝視」之背書與邊緣的實質忽視;1999 年肯認「性自主權」與「兩性平等」之「女性主體觀點」刑法修正版本之提出,在「婦女人身安全」中心觀點之整體脈絡下,偏重「女性」之於「色情」的「受害者形象」描繪;代表性少數具體發聲之「晶晶書庫」事件、釋字第617 號相關討論中,言論自由與女性主體、性少數觀點之辯證關係;司法系統具體判決之「凝視女體」、「男主女客」角色設定,忽略「情慾主體與受害客體」辯證性,「非異性戀」歧視與有罪被告貧窮化問題並存;皆彰顯:身處既有性�別、性傾向交互鑲嵌之限制性宰制結構中,同為努力施展其局部主體性的策略性行動者之「女性」與其他邊緣群體,所具有的密切交織關係及抵抗結盟必要。


This thesis attempts to discuss sexual representation and legal regulation of pornography in postwar Taiwan on focus of Criminal Code Article 235, by analyzing the sex, gender and sexuality perspectives behind relative legal knowledge, legislators’ discussions and interpretations of Justices of the Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan, in order to observe how the continuing dialectics of different mainstream and feminist discourses dynamically represent the “realities” of pornography, sex, gender and sexuality, and also introduce the positive strategy to resist the existing sex, gender and sexuality culture and power relations by alliance of marginal groups. After the Cultural Sanitation Campaign under the structure of Anti-communism and Restoration in 1940s-50s, the morality-first discourse of 1960s, the emergence, concretization and inter-construction of child-protection, morality discourses and the intensions of normal/abnormal division, gaze at female body and regulation logics within the legislators’discussions of first-time amendment of Article 235 in 1969, and under perspectives of virtue discipline and national security interest of 1970s, medical, scientific and education discourses of 1980s. In post martial law era of 1990s, not only the knowledge production, but Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 407 in 1997 and legislators’discussions of second-time amendment of Article 235 in 1999 as well, all manifest that, within the continuing concretization of structure of freedom of speech, the dialectics of different regulation logics and demonstration of medical, educational discourses by the professional, the concept of child-protection, with its morality metaphor, is closely connected with the more and more undoubtedly intensions of normal/abnormal division, heterosexual norms of sex, gender and sexuality. After year 2000, in the context of positive governance of technology, and child-protection perspective by obtaining an independent legitimacy and still connecting with the morality metaphor and existing sex, gender and sexuality norms, the concept of pornography regulation in the 21st century is much more intense and sophisticated. Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 617 in 2006 also manifests the still lack of equality perspective and the remaining heterosexual ideology. By analyzing the government statistics and court judgments regarding Article 235, we can once again observe that, with the augment of substantial reasoning, concretization of liberty structure, but still lack of equality perspective, how the judicial system also helps to construct a picture of pornography with heterosexual patriarchy ideology. Under the mainstream construction of picture of pornography, with the equality perspective, the emergences of feminist discourses which acknowledge female subjectivity, existing sex, gender and sexuality power relations, their arguments about women to pornography as victims and/or as agents, and also the challenges they face of heterosexual patriarchy with discriminations against female and other marginal groups who all as strategic actors in the dialectic process of victimization and agency, introduce the intertwining relation between female and other marginal groups, and the possibility and necessity of their alliance.


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