  • 學位論文


Research of Car-Following Model for Simulation and Driver Behavior in Tunnel

指導教授 : 許添本


台灣因先天之地理環境因素,隧道公路早在國內交通運輸網中扮演著重要的角色,國內三大長隧道相繼開通後,隧道路段儼然已成為高速公路系統重要的組成之一。然目前國內隧道公路實施禁止變換車道的限制,隧道內之車流跟車行為明顯,因此若能根據跟車理論為基礎,深入瞭解車輛於隧道內之跟車特性,對於隧道公路之管理將更有助益。 以往隧道車流研究多著重於巨觀之車流特性分析,雖瞭解於隧道不同路段之車流特性有所差異,卻無法得知駕駛反應時間或感知程度等真正影響駕駛行為因素之微觀特性差異。對於隧道內之微觀跟車行為,國內外雖有許多研究應用不同微觀模擬軟體或跟車模式於相同交通環境下,對於其解釋能力、邏輯特性或適用條件等所做之比較分析,但主要仍是探討車輛在擁擠車流的情形,或車流從非擁擠到擁擠的過程,缺乏針對隧道特殊的行車環境做此方面之探討。 因此本研究以微觀的角度,調查北二高隧道群中的福德隧道北上路段車流資料,首先針對不同之跟車模式,比較各模式之特性差異,利用電腦技術模擬隧道不同路段之車流情況,瞭解隧道各路段適用之跟車模式後,並用以解釋該路段之駕駛行為特性。 研究發現隧道入口以刺激反應方程式之最適,顯示駕駛感知準備進入隧道,因此即使跟車間距偏大,亦不做加速跟進的動作,盡量保持與前車相似的速度推進,行為較一致。初入隧道以行為門檻模式最適,駕駛以其所感知的速差和間距隨時調整反應動作,注意力提高,同時駕駛間之差異較大,因此車流安全性亦較低。隧道中段較符合刺激反應方程式特性,顯示駕駛已逐漸習慣隧道環境,但仍受限於隧道環境之影響,保持較大之跟車間距,且駕駛間差異較小,行為較一致。隧道出口最適跟車模式為行為門檻模式,顯示駕駛不再受限於隧道環境,以其感知之速差與車間距做跟車反應,且駕駛間之差異較大,若車輛由行為較一致之隧道內行駛至此,將造成車流安全性之降低。


Because of the geographical features, tunnels play an important part in Taiwan. However, the law forbids lane-changing behavior when driving in the tunnel in Taiwan. If we understand the characteristic of driver behavior according to car-following theory, it will have been a great help to manage the tunnels. But the study about traffic flow in tunnel presently only focus on macroscopic analysis and they could not understand the change of reaction time and percipient level which influence driver behavior actually. Thought there are many papers study on microscopic car-following behavior or comparison analysis of different car-following model in the same traffic environment, they do not study the situation in tunnels. The research focuses on microscopic analysis and use simulation technology to understand the characteristic of driver behavior in different section of tunnel. The results from this research are: sensitivity factor in the exterior section is 1.5 times of the section in the tunnel. ABX and SDX are 20~55 m out of the tunnel and 23~60 m in the tunnel. CLDV and OPDV broaden when the cars drive into the tunnel deeply. Driver behavior conforms to the GM model in the entrance and middle of tunnel and is similar to the former vehicle. On the other hand, Driver behavior conforms to the psycho-physical model in the exit and initial section of tunnel. Driver behavior is responded according to their percipient level of relative velocity and distance to the former vehicle.


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