  • 學位論文


Research on Innovation Business Model: A Case Study of W.C Dental Clinic

指導教授 : 劉順仁


牙科醫療產業是競爭相當激烈的產業,近年來牙科醫療產業面臨了下列環境的變化(1)隨著經濟收入與生活品質的改善,人們追求更高品質的牙醫服務(2)從1998年以來國內開始分階段實施牙醫總額預算制度限制了牙醫診所的收入(3)新的自費療程成為牙科診所新的成長商機,若牙醫師想要增加收入,則必須降低採購成本增加自費收入。 在這樣的情況下,進行商業模式創新成為領先其他牙科診所重要的一環。因此本研究的主旨乃針對WC牙科醫療體系的商業模式創新加以探討,以Hamel提出的商業模式為基本架構,以瞭解本研究個案如何透過商業模式創新來達到經營績效長年成長的情形。 本研究主要發現:(1)WC牙科醫療體系的創新商業模式不只有「服務創新」,乃至於牙科技術和流程也有進行「程序創新」, 可說其商業模式創新的層面相當廣泛。(2)本研究案例中最特別的創新商業模式在於,將「診所」的概念從提供商品服務的場所轉變為「產品」的雙重身份。(3)目前WC牙科醫療體系面對的困境有下列兩項:1、創新複製的困難度極高,不同地理環境具有不同的外在干擾因子,客戶特性也有所不同,因此要成功創新複製是有難度的。2、WC開診所賣診所的模式,在合理的價位下已找不到台灣買主,目前海外已有人有意願接手。


Dental industry is very competitive industry, in recent years, facing the following changes in the environment (1) With the income and quality of life improvement, people pursue higher quality of dental services (2) In 1998, the policy of global budgets or expenditure limits has restricted the income of dentists (3) New items at one’s own expense has become a new growth opportunities for the dental clinic. If the dentist wants to increase revenue, to reduce procurement costs must increase revenue at their own expense. In such cases, the innovative business model has become the important part in dental clinics. Main purpose of this study is to discuss the innovative business model of the WC dental health care system. By using business model proposed by Hamel as the basic framework, we can understand how this business model innovation to achieve the situation of growth in operating performance for years. This research found: (1) WC dental health care system innovation business model is not only a "service innovation", but also a "process innovation", it is could be said its business model innovation can be an extensive scope. (2) The most special of innovative business model in this case study is that transform the clinic concept to provide goods and services from a place into "products" of the double identity. (3) The WC dental health care system has the following two diliemma: 1. different geographical environments have different external interference factors, customers also have different characteristics, so to copy the successful innovations is difficult. 2. WC opened clinic clinics and sold clinics models, at reasonable price points have been unable to find buyers in Taiwan, now have someone who will take over from overseas.


6、 洪慶鐘,牙醫總額支付制度實施後醫療資源分布合理性探討,民國92年,碩士論文,臺中健康暨管理學院健康管理研究所。
1、Alexander Osterwalder,2008,Business model design and innovation.
2、Joan Magretta,2002,What management Is:How It Works and Why It’s Everyone’s Business


