  • 學位論文


Design and Development of Pneumatic Micro-dose Nebulizer with Optical Dosage Monitoring

指導教授 : 黃光裕


光學量測具有非接觸、解析度高等優點,因此被廣泛運用在物理、化學、醫療等領域之中,Sack-Hartmann波前感測器可以精準地量測出波前的光程差而且成功地被運用在量測眼睛之表面形狀,本文呈現了將波前感測器應用在霧氣濃度量測此新領域,此應用將可以將醫療用霧化器之霧氣定量。 本論文設計開發出穩定輸出霧氣封包之霧氣封包產生器,整體系統分別為升霧集霧裝置以及封包傳遞裝置所組成。利用空壓機產生氣壓源為設定為0.3 bar並操作電磁閥使壓力作動頻率3至7 Hz來控制封包頻率以及霧氣質量流率,各封包質量約為0.2 mg。同時開發光學劑量監測裝置,利用波前感測儀量測霧氣封包產生器產生之霧氣,香農熵為一量測系統不穩定性之參數,而此參數可用於分析波前感測器之量測資料。本文之實驗驗證了利用波前感測器量測出之光點圖與Zenike係數算出之香農熵亂度與霧氣濃度有相關性,並以此基礎發展了光點偏移亂度分析法與Zernike係數亂度分析法。經實驗證明霧氣質量流率使用光點偏移亂度分析法分析霧氣,相關性最高可達0.8548,而其解析度為1 mg/s;而使用Zernike係數亂度分析法分析霧氣,相關性數值只有0.3994,相較於使用光點偏移亂度分析法,相關性較低。


Optical measurement systems are widely used in the field of chemistry and medical appliances due to the advantage of non-invasive, high resolution, and high accuracy. The Shack-Hartmann Wavefront sensor (SHWS) can precisely detect the optical path difference(OPD) and is successfully applied to measure the eye contour. This paper presents the development of a new application of SHWS in the nebulization concentration measurement, which can quantify mist and transmit a given dose of the mist. This measuring system is desperately needed in medical applications. A mist dosage system is presented in this paper, which consist of two parts, the mist generating system and package transmit system. By setting the pressure to 0.3 bar and manipulate the pressure frequency 3 to 7 Hz, the package frequency and the mist mass flow rate can be controlled. Each mist package is about 0.2 mg. Also, the optical measuring system is developed. The Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor is used to measure the mist, which generated by the mist dosage system. The Shannon entropy is a way to measure a system’s uncertainty, which can be used to analyze the SHWS’s data. The experimental verifications have found that the Shannon entropy of spot field images and Zernike coefficients are changed in proportional to the nebulization concentration. Basing on these experiment, spot offset analyzing method and Zernike coefficient analyzing method has been developed. By using the spot offset analyzing method, the coefficient of determination can approach to 0.8548. The resolution of the mist’s mass flow rate is 1 mg/s. The coefficient of determination is 0.3994 by using the Zernike coefficient analyzing method, which is much lower than the spot offset analyzing method.


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