  • 學位論文


A Study of Blockchain and Its development in Taiwan Financial Industry with Grounded theory

指導教授 : 曹承礎


近年來,在數位金融與比特幣的浪潮之下,區塊鏈技術蔚為顯學,成為各界熱烈討論的焦點議題。因其具有公開透明、不可竄改、去中心化等特性,區塊鏈甚至被認為可以顛覆現有的金融體系,消除金融中介機構帶來的成本及效率低落問題。台灣的金融業者是否準備好如何因應此創新科技?或是仍然對此新科技毫無頭緒而不知自身的定位?資訊科技採納是否得宜將左右組織的商業模式,甚至可能影響企業績效與發展,因此,有必要儘快針對臺灣金融產業對區塊鏈之應用現況進行前瞻性的研究,並檢視可能面對的問題與挑戰。 本研究旨在針對我國金融產業區塊鏈推動之現況與應用場景進行研究,並嘗試建構出影響企業採用區塊鏈之因子。 本研究採取紮根理論(Grounded Theory)質性研究方法,並結合Rogers創新擴散理論及O'Connor的D-I-A模型論述作為理論基礎,將企業導入區塊鏈之流程區分為知曉、說服、孵化、加速等四個階段,作為資料蒐集之基礎架構。以理論抽樣方式,針對大臺北地區11間金融相關企業進行深度訪談,對象包括金融機構、協助金融產業導入區塊鏈的資訊公司、新創公司等,本研究透過實際與相關產業實務工作者接觸,了解其背後驅動因素與導入過程遭遇之挑戰與瓶頸,將近17小時的訪談紀錄騰為121頁的逐字稿,進行編碼分析與歸納。 本研究總共歸納出56個開放性編碼,並逐步收攏為14個主軸編碼,最後於選擇性編碼階段,發現影響企業採用區塊鏈之因子可以彙整為「創新科技屬性」、「外部環境因素」、「組織內部屬性」三大層面,並建構出「區塊鏈採用過程與影響因子模型」。最後,針對研究結果提出未來推動區塊鏈發展之建議供相關單位參考,祈能對本國區塊鏈之生態發展有所助益。


In recent years, under the wave of Fintech and bitcoin, blockchain technology has become a hot topic and a buzzword across industries. Because of its transparency, immutability ,decentralization and other characteristics, blockchain technology is even considered to have the potential to disrupt the existing financial system and eliminate the high cost and inefficiency of financial intermediaries. Are Taiwan's financial industries ready to respond to this innovative technology? Or are they still confused about this new technology without knowing their own positioning? Whether information technology is properly utilized will affect the performance and development of the organization and even change the business model of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a prospective research on the current situation of the blockchain in Taiwan's financial industry as soon as possible, and examine the problems and challenges that may be faced. This thesis aims to study the current situation and application scenarios of the blockchain of Taiwan's financial industry, and try to construct factors that affect the adoption of blockchain. This thesis adopts the Grounded Theory as a qualitative research method. We combines Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations theory and O'Connor's D-I-A model as the theoretical basis, and divide organizations' adoption phases for blockchain technology into four stages: knowledge, persuasion, incubation, and acceleration. We use this theoretical framework as the infrastructure for data collection. Based on theoretical sampling, we conducted in-depth interviews with 11 companies in the Taipei area, including financial institutions, startups, and information technology companies that help financial institutions adopting blockchain. By personally interacting with the business executives, we want to understand the challenges and bottlenecks encountered by these companies in the blockchain adoption process. These interviews yielded approximately 17 hours of audio recordings, which was transcribed into verbatim as our raw data to analysis. This research generalizes a total of fifty-six open codes and gradually merged into fourteen axial codes. Finally, in the selective coding process, we found that the factors affecting the adoption of the blockchain can be aggregated into three levels: “Technology Characteristics”, “Environmental Characteristics”, and “Organizational Characteristics”. In the end of this research, we construct a "Blockchain Adoption Process and Impact Factors Model". Based on the research results, suggestions are made for reference to financial institutions that may adopt blockchain in the future. We hope this thesis will help the development of Taiwan's blockchain ecosystem.


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