  • 學位論文


Self-Presentation Motive, Ease of Communication and Gender Affecting the Association between Self-Esteem and Internet Addiction: Investigating Facebook Usage of Adolescents

指導教授 : 陳淑惠


目的:本研究的目的有四,首先以Nadkarni和Hofmann(2012)的雙因子臉書使用動機假說為基礎,嘗試連結與雙因子動機有關之使用行為,編製適用於本土的臉書使用動機量表;其二,瞭解網路使用型態、溝通容易度、臉書使用動機、網路成癮風險與自尊之性別差異;接續探討網路成癮在臉書使用動機與自尊關聯間的可能機制;最後,分別以溝通容易度與青少年的性別差異作為網路環境的促發因子與使用者心理特性,探索各自於網路成癮心理病理機制之角色。方法:研究一邀請160位國中生,再度檢驗自尊、陳氏網路成癮量表的信效度。研究二以623位國中生進行臉書使用行為與動機量表之編製研究。研究三在間隔38.86 "±" 10.35天之前瞻設計中,以543位國中生檢驗網路成癮的中介模式,並進一步納入溝通容易度與性別變項來探究網路成癮心理病理之調節中介模式。結果:(1)自尊量表與陳氏網路成癮量表具良好信效度。(2)經因素結構驗證後,臉書自我呈現動機量表部分支持臉書雙因子模型,且具良好信效度。(3)主要使用的線上活動與社群網站種類均呈現顯著性別差異,而平均每週網路使用時間、溝通容易度與網路成癮風險則否;女性在臉書自我呈現動機顯著高於男性,而自尊顯著低於男性。(4)T1網路成癮傾向顯著中介T1臉書自我呈現動機與T2自尊的關聯。(5)T1溝通容易度與T1臉書自我呈現動機對T1網路成癮傾向的交互作用達顯著效果,並可作為網路成癮傾向影響自尊之條件中介效果,然,T1溝通容易度與T1網路成癮對T2自尊的交互作用效果則不顯著。(6)臉書自我呈現動機預測網路成癮,性別部分調節T1網路成癮與T2自尊的關聯,尤以青少女的負向影響相對大於男性,然,性別與T1臉書自我呈現動機對T2網路成癮的交互作用效果則不顯著。討論:依據上述研究結果顯示,本論文探討歸屬感動機未獲支持的可能原因,並討論各變項性別差異現象之可能解釋;接著,進一步從青少年發展觀點及過去心理病理機制假說,闡述網路成癮中介機制及溝通容易度與性別在網路成癮心理病理之調節效果與中介調節效果之背後意涵;最後,說明本研究貢獻、臨床意涵、研究限制與未來研究方向。


OBJECTIVE: The thesis research aimed: first, to develop an Facebook (FB) usage behaviors and motivations scale to examine the dual factor model of FB use proposed by Nadkarni and Hofmann (2012) in Taiwan; second, to investigate gender differences in pattern of Internet use, ease of communication (EOC), FB usage motivation (FBUM), risk of IA, and Self-Esteem (SE); third, to further examine mediation effect of IA between FBUM and SE; and finally, to explore the psychopathological mechanism leading to IA by taking EOC and gender as the promoter of the Internet environment and psychological characteristics of users, respectively. METHODS: In Study 1, we examined psychometric properties of the Self-Esteem Scale (SES) and Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS) with a sample of 160 junior high school students. In Study 2, we recruited 623 junior high school students as a sample to development FB usage behaviors and motivations scale. In Study 3, with a prospective and longitudinal design, we used a sample of 543 adolescents to examine mediational model of IA and further added EOC and Gender to explore moderated mediation of IA. RESULTS: (1) SES and CIAS yielded excellent psychometric properties. (2) Verification procedure of the factor structure resulted in a satisfactory measure, named as the FB mediated Self-Presentation Motivation Scale (FSPM), which had good reliability and validity and partially supported the dual factor model of FB use. (3) All main types of online activities and social networking sites had significant gender differences, while average weekly Internet usage time, EOC, and risk of IA showed otherwise. Compared to boys, girls showed significantly higher FSPM scores, but lower in SE. (4) FSPMT1 significantly predicted to SET2 via IAT1. (5) EOCT1 and FSPMT1 had a significant interaction effect on IAT1, indicating that EOCT1 and FSPMT1 could be viewed as a conditional indirect effect of IAT1 to affect SET2. However, EOCT1 and IAT1 did not have a significant interaction effect on SET2. (6) Given that FSPMT1 predicted IAT1, gender marginally moderated the association between IAT1 and SET2, especially the negative impact was relatively greater in girls than boys. In contrast, gender and FMSPT1 did not have significant interaction effect on IAT1. DISCCUSION: Based on above results, we discussed the findings from the perspectives of development in adolescence and past studies of the psychopathology of IA. Finally, contributions, clinical applications, limitations and future directions of the study were also considered.


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台灣網路資訊中心(2019):《「2019台灣網路」報告》。摘自台灣網路資訊中心網站:https://report.twnic.tw/2019/assets/download/TWNIC_TaiwanIn ternetReport_2019_CH.pdf
呂謂正(2008):《國中生網路成癮與青少年憂鬱症之相關研究-以新竹縣市國 中生為例》(未出版之碩士論文)。臺中:中原大學心理學研究所。
