  • 學位論文


Exploring Brand Architecture Transformation Process from Strategic Entrepreneurship Perspective—A Case Study on Johnson Health Tech.Co.

指導教授 : 謝明慧


面對快速變遷、不確定性日益提高的大環境下,企業為了攫取市場上的機會,常常透過推出新產品或服務,以迎合消費者的需求。然而,公司的資源有限,故如何透過有效的資源取得與配置,調整並形成最妥適的品牌結構策略,成為企業的核心議題。因此本研究透過策略創業的角度,分析品牌結構的轉變,受到哪些關鍵因素影響,並深入研究公司特定時期品牌結構形成的原因。同時,並探究企業如何透過探索活動與開發活動的平衡,提升整體品牌組合的價值。 由於影響品牌結構策略採行的變數複雜度高,加上探討特定品牌結構形成的內、外在因素乃屬情境相依,故需置於環境情境脈絡下做詮釋,才不免產生偏誤。因此透過質性個案研究的方法,本研究將個案公司的品牌結構發展歷程劃分為三個時期,分析個案企業如何透過公司面中企業文化、營運活動、組織結構間影響因子的互動,造就或調整企業的品牌結構策略,又企業如何在開發利用既有競爭優勢與探索市場潛在機會中形成互補或平衡,以達成最妥適的品牌結構策略。 本研究結果顯示,企業領導者的創業心智與策略管理資源能力的共同運作,對於引領公司形成最佳品牌結構策略具有相當大的影響。另外,在不同情境下,公司面中企業文化、營運活動、組織結構會產生相異的交互運作,透過三者的循環影響之下,進而促成品牌結構的調整與強化。最後,由於企業資源有限,因此透過公司品牌角色的調整,組織將能在追求成長與穩固既有事業獲利中取得平衡,透過資源的有效配置,達成公司品牌組合價值的提升。


Facing the increasing uncertainty of the market place, corporations have tried to use branding to market new products to fulfill customers’ need. However, due to the finite resources, businesses need to learn how to adequately allocate and acquire resources to form a better brand architecture. Our research used the perspective of strategic entrepreneurship to investigate key influencing factors of brand architecture and reasons in specific period of why corporation choose the particular brand architecture. Finally, we dug deeply into how to maximize the value of companies’ brand portfolio by balancing the exploration and exploitation activities. Because of the complexity and context-dependent characteristics of brand architecture strategy, we used qualitative case study method to analyze the three developing period of the case company to understand how the company formed their brand architecture by the interaction of three facets of corporation, which are operation, structure and culture. Additionally, we examine how corporations balance the advantage-seeking and opportunity-seeking behavior to attain the suitable brand architecture. Our study concluded that company’s leaders’ entrepreneurial mindset and the ability to manage resources strategically have played a critical role in the successful transformation process of brand architecture. The results also showed that under different circumstances, the operational, structural and cultural activities will lead to distinct cyclical interaction to form the appropriate brand architecture. Finally, we figured out that through the adjustment of brand’s role, companies can achieve a balance between pursuing potential business opportunity and sustaining stable growth of existing business to increase the value of companies’ brand portfolio.


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