  • 學位論文


A Buddhist Healing Approach to Ethical Issues of Abortion: Based on the Saṃyuktāgama-sūtra and Mahā-ratnakūṭa-sūtra

指導教授 : 蔡耀明


本文以佛教經典為依據,從佛教生命世界觀之緣起與眾生造業受報的視角檢視墮胎爭議,並提出以療癒為出路導向的佛教子胎倫理。 墮胎爭議表面上是胎兒生命與女性選擇的兩難,甚至引發擁護胎兒生命與支持女性自主兩個團體的對立與仇視。在墮胎相關之生育決策中,正因為胎兒與女性都是受苦者而使得墮胎在倫理議題上備受爭議。相關問題不只包含了歷史、文化、社會結構等因素,更體現在當事者身體與心態上的困苦與傷痛。因此,本文在探究視角上,首先跳脫出胎兒與女性的兩端,並以墮胎爭議所牽涉的對象本身為切入點,更切身於行為者作為受苦的生命體,在面對生命困境時應該如何做出更合乎倫理的選擇。 面對墮胎抉擇之困境,佛教直面眾生受苦的情形,以生命相續、因緣和合、相互依存的世界觀與生命觀來看待腹中胎兒。本文根據《雜阿含經》對眾生在生命世界長夜輪迴、生死奔流的歷程之說明,洞察理解眾生究竟受困在什麼樣的困境中,進而提供生命療癒的方法並開展生命出路。接著根據《大寶積經・佛說入胎藏會》中對於眾生一期生命之開始的教學,以及其所強調的「生苦胎苦」,說明母胎在生死環圈中的短暫關係與受困的情形,進一步嘗試從佛教所施設的修行道路,在知見上提出得以導向身心療癒的觀點與子胎倫理。


The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ethical issues regarding abortion in accordance with the scriptures of Buddhism. By investigating and diagnosing the suffering of sentient being, Buddhism teaches how to achieve liberation from the long nights of reincarnation and the rush of life and death. Through the insight of the solutions of life problems, sentient beings can spontaneously and autonomously recognize and resolve the difficulties of life, so as to be able to heal physically and mentally. The abortion controversy is on the surface of a dilemma between fetal life and women’s choice, and it even arouse the opposition and hostility between the two groups that support fetal life and women’s autonomy. The ethics of abortion is controversial precisely because both the fetus and the pregnant woman are suffering. It is indeed the problem that has to be faced in the discussion ethics of abortion. This thesis attempts to clarify the abortion issues, and emphasize the caring of bot the sufferings of embryo/fetus and women. The Buddhist perspective of life is not only to look at the fetus in the womb through the continuity of life, but to treat life and pregnancy with conscience, to seek a proper way out for both the fetus and the mother of their sufferings.


一、 佛教典籍
劉宋・求那跋陀羅(Guṇabhadra)譯:《雜阿含經》,CBETA, T. 2, no. 99。
唐・菩提流志(Bodhiruci)譯:《大寶積經》,CBETA, T. 11, no. 310。
唐・玄奘譯:《解深密經》,CBETA, T. 16, no. 0676。
