  • 學位論文


The Study of Regulations and Practices Regarding the Multilevel Marketing of Intangible Goods

指導教授 : 朱文儀


多層次傳銷係一憑藉「人際網絡」,快速發展的行銷制度,自1970年代引進台灣迄今,參加人數及營業額逐年增加,民國92年多層次傳銷業者締造新台幣519.91億元的營業額,顯示有愈來愈多的商品,係透過傳銷通路進行販售。 近幾年來,傳銷商品不斷推陳出新,許多服務類的無形商品,亦盛行採用多層次傳銷的方式經營。然無形商品看不見、摸不著,顯然不同於有形商品,尤其其交易型態多係要求參加人在加入時,即給付一定金額購買未來提供之服務,致衍生許多經營及管理實務上之問題,現行多層次傳銷相關法令,及主管機關的管理措施是否足資因應,乃本論文的研究重點。 經由蒐集無形商品採多層次傳銷經營的事業資料、經營概況,進行服務類型分析,比對與有形商品之異同,透過對有經營績效之業者進行檢視,瞭解其成功之經營策略及競爭優勢何在;並由實務面之研究,釐清現存之問題,最後則依研究所得,提出以下結論: 一、 修改現行多層次傳銷管理法令 (一)增訂無形商品之原購價格 (二)增訂三方契約之退出規定 (三)變質多層次傳銷由司法機關逕行查處 二、 主管機關應建立管理機制 (一)監督業者依約給付 (二)對無形商品進行專案檢查 (三)建立預警系統 (四)建立獎金提存機制


THESIS ABSTRACT SENIOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY NAME:Tsui-Feng Wu MONTH/YEAR:JANUARY,2005 ADVISER:Wenyi Chu TITLE:The Study of Regulations and Practices Regarding the Multilevel Marketing of Intangible Goods Multilevel marketing (MLM) is a rapidly developing marketing system which is primarily built upon interpersonal networks. Both participants and the amount of sales of the multilevel marketing business have been increasing year after year since it was introduced in 1970s. The MLM business created an amount of sales for NT$51.991 billion in 2003. This development means that there are more and more products sold through multilevel marketing channels. In recent years, many new products have been multilevel marketed. Even intangible goods (usually are services) are also popularly sold through multilevel marketing plans. Intangible goods are quite different from tangible goods, which are not only invisible and untouchable, but also are sold with a special trading pattern in the MLM business. The MLM firms usually require participants to pay a certain amount of money when they join the firms to purchase the service which will be provided in the future. This trading pattern causes many problems in operation and management practices. This article primarily explores whether present regulations and administrative measures are sufficient to solve the above-mentioned problems. First, this article will compare the differences and similarities between tangible and intangible goods and categorize the intangible goods (services) provided by the MLM business as well by collecting and compiling business information and operation status of the MLM enterprises. Secondly, this article will help to find the successful operational strategies and competitive superiority of the MLM enterprises by examining their operation performance. Finally, this article will help to clear the current issues and draw the following conclusions by practical studies. 1.To amend the current provisions of MLM regulations (1)To add a provision regarding the original purchase price of intangible goods; (2)To add a provision regarding rescinding a trilateral contract; (3)Judicial authorities should take charge of investigating and prosecuting pyramid schemes 2.To establish a regulation mechanism in the administrative authority (1)To supervise the MLM enterprises to pay subject to contracts; (2)To undertake an inspection project on MLM intangible goods; (3)To establish a pre-warning system (4)to set up a deposit and withdrawal mechanism of remuneration




