  • 學位論文


Customer-Centric Digital Transformation Strategy under FinTech Development-A Case Study

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


金融科技(FinTech)的迅速發展正在改變台灣證券市場的經營模式與發展格局,使傳統券商紛紛將經紀業務發展重點從實體據點轉移至電子與行動化交易。元大證券是目前台灣市場佔有率最高的證券公司,在FinTech過往發展上,多項業務均採用先行者策略,結合其規模經濟優勢,維持了其在台灣證券產業線上與行動電子交易服務龍頭公司之地位。然而,隨著數位時代客戶交易行為的快速變遷,對於元大證券來說,如何理解投資者的需求與行為模式,並採用以客戶為導向的策略,以建構其長期獨特價值發展,是極為重要的議題。 本篇論文之研究目的為依據目前客戶在電子交易與服務平台的需求,對於元大證券提出數位化轉型戰略。本文採用個案分析研究方法,首先分析元大證券當前的金融科技發展和策略、優勢與挑戰;然後就公司對客戶訪談資料構建價值主張模型(Value Proposition Canvas ; VPC)來闡明客戶需求、尚未被解決的痛點與尚未被滿足的期待。並就此模型分別在電子交易、線上服務、和數位品牌經營上提出以客戶為中心的數位轉型策略,希望透過提高客戶支付意願(willingness to pay ; WTP)和降低成本(cost reduction)來提高其核心競爭力(core competency)和盈利優勢。此外,對於將來以全通道(omni-channel)為策略之發展,也建構了數位業務整合地圖,以提升元大證券的長期戰略價值為目標。


The rapid development of FinTech (Financial Technology) is transforming the entire securities market landscape in Taiwan. Traditional brokerage firms have shifted the focus of their brokerage business from branch service to electronic and mobile transactions. Yuanta Securities, the biggest securities house with the highest market share in Taiwan, has mostly adopted the first-mover strategy and combined its advantage of economic of scale to keep its position of the top online / mobile trading and service company. However, with the rapid changing of the customer’s behavior in the digital era, it is crucial to understand investors’ needs and be customer-oriented to get the long-term unique value. The purpose of this research is to produce the digital transformation strategy based on customer’s needs to Yuanta Securities. The article applies case study methodology, first we analyze the current fintech development and strategies, advantages, and challenges in Yuanta Securities, then build up the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) to clarify the customer’s needs, pain points and expectations based on the interview data inside company. Next, to propose customer-centric digital transformation strategies for e-trading, e-service and digital branding, which can enhance its core competency and the benefit through increasing the willingness to pay (WTP) and cost reduction. Besides, in the end we also propose a digital integration map for its omni-channel development, to enhance the long-term strategic value in Yuanta Securities.


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